Monday, 5 January 2015

RAYA FF - It Happened One Night Part 3

 Hello Friends

Click here For Part 2

Chapter 3

And  then  it happened again   ….

  3  months later .

After Coming from  Delhi ,  Priya got  a call from  her one living relative other than siblings of course  … Her Mama , Mr. Ravi Sahni. The man whom she respected after her father.  After  the death of  their mother , ravi mamji was only  one of  her many relatives who kept in touch  with   them and  came to meet then when he had time. A Retd  bank official from a Nationalized bank  . A hardworking but not so  intelligent  but a genuine  person who loved his  sister a lot. When  his sister died  he  transferred the love to his sister’s children. He had invited  them to shift to Pune  and stay with him. But  knowing  her  Rajjo mami Priya  had politely declined. And  after  that  mama also  never insisted .


Rajjo  mami  always  disliked Priya ., because Priya was intelligent and very smart and  her children never showed any inclination to either of the talent .  She always  felt  Priya  intelligence would bring her downfall and  because of her intelligence she  believed that Priya would never get married. Her thought  was very simple why would any man want/ or  would want to marry girl who is so intelligent.  And Priya  was very  happy  that  she   was able to make her  mami   happy by not  marrying .

But  it all changed  after that call.  Mama was worried man . He was worried about  his  daughter Juhi  marriage, it seemed that they received  her rishta through some friend of mami ji in Australia for their son . And  mamiji was hell bent on fixing it . But mamaji was scared about the boy side .. it  looked like they were very very  wealthy. And  mamaji didn’t know if  he would ever be able  meet up to  standards. Though  boy side had made  no demands  but  mamji felt pressure of  raising upto the  standards of  society the boy side lived in. I asked about the  boy  ,  I came to know Boy  was actually not  a boy but  man, he was 34 years old where has juhi  was just 22 year old  nearly 12  years difference between them which was more than  decade, He  was also  well qualified and  had huge   business empire.  It seemed kundali matched perfectly . Juhi  on the  other hand   was still  yet finish her graduation, they were 7 arrears left . Maximum  work she did at home  was shift channels on the remote and  eat  what  her mother Cooked. One thing  Juhi had that priya   had to acknowledge was  beauty …   she was  drop dead gorgeous . But she was  true  example to the saying   a beauty without brains.

  Mama’s  major problem was for  the  boy liking juhi . He knew  if juhi  opened her mouth , her truth   would be out , no intelligent/ sane person would  ever agree to marry her.
He wanted her to come  down  to handle juhi or put it more explicitly  coach  Juhi  and or  atleast  make her  appear more intelligent  than she actually is

The Second reason he gave her was , that  he wanted  her to come down to Pune  because  of  ill  her health ,  She had  been running temperature off on .  The dr thought it was because of  her immunity nothing to worry , but asked her to eat healthy and  on right time. Which  she  did, but  somehow people  around me  especially  her sibling and  Mama felt  She  was not taking care  of herself . So wanted her  to spend the summer  break at  Pune  just  to gain back  her health

Priya did protest  gave  many logical reasons to avoid this trip of hers , but  mamji’s  emotional blackmail  added  by Karthik and  Ayesha’s nagging  made her decide to go to pune. But somehow she felt there was  a third reason to this  trip of hers , which she was not able to fig  it out  but she instinctively felt  these three were setting a trap for her . She just didn’t  know what it was.

Ram  he  was  talking  to a guilt ridden Mother who felt that she was not doing enough  for him,  she wanted  him to go to  Pune to  meet the Girl.  She wanted him to be married and  happy. Whereas Ram’s had no intention of getting married to anybody   for especially someone  he never even met . He didn’t understand   relationship only  relationship he was comfortable was with  Vikram and Neha and of course his Chothi   Nathsha.. nothing else made  any sense.  He didn’t need marriage  definitely didn’t need wife complicating his life .

But that was his opinion,  the whole other gang  that is  Vikram Neha   and  Chothi  seems to share the opinion of his mother that he needed to get married.

 Niharikaji  and rest   were not bothered, the only  2 questions  she asked when the discussion was bought up in one of the few Breakfast   they had together, will she continue to enjoy all the privileges of being Mrs Amarnath Kapoor  ? he knew if he said no to her , she will leave if she leaves she will take his chothi away with her , she knew he couldn’t live without  his Chothi  when  he nodded his head for yes , then  she was okay about it   and   then she  asked  her next question  if she can shop  in paris for the wedding .  Ram replied if there was one..

Because he didn’t want marry .. The pressure created by his mother was getting too much. She made him agree to go and meet the girl, And he agreed with only intention of politely saying no to her and her family .

 He travelled to Pune by car, hoping return on the same day but fate had other plans …

Pune …..
 Priya was talking or  more clearly   consoling her  cousin Juhi. It seems  Juhi   was not ready  for  marriage but ready to fall in love , she  had some scatter brain idea of  prince charming coming  on his horse  swooping her  off to  ever  ever land  or  her   prince giving  her a lift   into a running train  or  she falling  and the prince catching her  , holding  her his arms  and then taking her away to ever ever land to live happily ever after.. Priya had to  stop herself from laughing when she heard this but she  was also given  the un –enviable task of  reversing the  effects  of too much  TV /film   or in this  case  too much of SRK . The problem which priya faced was  making her understand that this doesn’t happen in real world…. This was a herculean task. She  was very adamant  she wanted it all the  flowers  to bloom, violins playing , mist clouding the  scene   and   random girls dressed in white singing / humming in harmony in the background   on the whole she wanted what exactly happened  in the movies now even in the Tv serial she  quoted few of them which  priya  had never heard of .Priya rarely watched movie   and   she sold of her only Tv they  had when  mechanic refused to repair  it saying it was  too old …anyway it was just a show piece in her house  and she preferred to read a book   for entertainment     .

Juhi  in her full dramatic  eloquence of a TV heroine  got up to give her verdict  that she rather die  than  marry  a man without falling in love , in this she forgot  to hold on  to the handle of  her favourite dog  Don ( named after  SRk ‘ film again )Don was good little puddle  who  was very nice to  everybody  except  Priya…  no no  not  that he didn’t like  her in fact he loved her more than  anybody  but the only problem  was Priya didn’t  like  dogs. The moment Juhi left  Don . Don  took the chance  to prove  is love for   his lady Priya.  Rushed towards her . Priya seeing the Don coming  she  her took  to her feet .. Started running in  the opposite direction. But Don was too swift  for priya it did pounce her, which made priya loose her balance fall  at feet/shoes of someone.. standing at the gate .

Ram reached the house   , what greeted was the a scene he never imagined ,  women was running  through the lawns of the house screaming for help and before he could react she  had landed squarely on his feet.  After that a dog  jumped over her started licking her face .the women didn’t stop shouting at the dog to get off nor the dog bothered to stop licking or getting down from.  Ram closely at the woman who was at  his feet, recognition set in it  was Miss  goody two shoes….Priya..  He never knew her full name.
Ram was stunned, he wanted turn around and run,, he  checked the address he had it matched. God/fate or someone  had played a cruel trick on him,this couldn’t be  he  would never marry this girl .
Elderly  gentlemen came out of the house to call off the dog.
Once the dog  ran away Ram could see it was really her  that  funny little mouse from Delhi , now  he  had no  problems of saying no .but the gentleman in kicked in  made him do task  of  lifting the lady who ungracefully lying on the ground. She apparently had injured leg .  He stooped down to  lift her, she weighed  not much  more than a feather ,  she smelled nice  fresh and earthy was very smoothing .and there was tinges of smell of rose somewhere mixed in it . She smelled heavenly .  .He couldn’t but  notice she  was curved  at  places , knowing that was not quiet gentlemanly of him notice such things abot a lady ,tired to distract himself with thoughts of  lecture she gave him last time about cigarette smoking
Suddenly the women in his arms started wiggling  in  his arms  asking him let her off  when he didn’t  she  started  banging her fist against his chest to let her go. He immediately reacted by dropping her unceremoniously on the floor…  There was big yelp of pain . He looked down  she  was rubbing  back  which she hurt  when he put her down..
 Are you mad ? she asked why did you  drop me like that
 You  only asked me too, He replied with utter arrogance
Thank god it was grass, nahi tho I would have injured my back. Don’t  you have any sense  ?
He eyes narrowed in anger, excuse me he said  it was you  who fell on My feet . I was gentleman  enough  to help   you .. but when you hit me I had no choice but drop you. I don’t want a sexually harassment charges slapped on me, for doing you a favor. Anyway  if I didn’t drop  you , you  would have done it all by self  it  seems like you have penchant for falling . He smirked that crazy smile of his  and the  dimple in his cheek twinkled and captivated her attention.
Before she could gain back  her equilibrium that she lost because of that dimple and  retort  , Mamaji hurriedly came forward to welcome the man . It seems he  knew him…. It looked like everybody in the world new except  for her.
Please come  MR Kapoor, welcome , arey Priya  get up  and welcome our guest  na.
 Priya tired but she could not, the pain in her ankle was excruciating. She couldn’t manage, in spite of herself  she let out a yelp.
Ram  had no choice he once again  bent down to offer his help,  Priya had no choice but  take his hand for help has mamji had already left to tell mamiji that MR Ram Kapoor had come.
 But who was he and what was he doing here.
She took hold  of his arm, limped her way in . She directed him to the her room she was sharing with Juhi.

Where was juhi ? anyway .. she was the one  who caused all this havoc.
When she settled herself in  the bed, she murmured her thanks  to the man .
He just nodded   and went out of the room to join Mamaji in the study.
  Again she noted   he was wearing  his suit , does he wear anything other than a suit.. does his  sleep in suit? With that thought another  thought came along ? she quickly scolded  herself for  even thinking about this  man on those lines

Mamiji  came hurriedly in , followed by juhi  dressed to kill.  She did look  straight out of the TV serial, with all the ornaments, and  the jhaakas saree. 
What happened she asked ? before I could answer , you picked today to actually fall down and break  your leg,
Why asked  what happened? Priya asked

The Boy has come… she replied
 She looked behind her mamiji  to see which boy …
She asked which boy .. the boy who  is going to marry  Juhi .. baba.
Seeing  my confusion ,,Then mami added   for all you degrees you are  so dumb. That boy  who helped you in
 What you mean Ram Kapoor?
He is going to marry Juhi.?
Yes , why what is wrong with him.. she asked
Mamiji  are you mad that guy  is   most arrogant  MCP  I have  seen
 Do you know him? She asked
 No I  just met  him once for 2 minutes
Then  you formed  your opinion on the basis of that .  .Silly girl ..
He  is such a hatha katha  nice Punjabi  munda..and wealthy too.Juhi ja kar  wahan raj  karegi .
I looked at Juhi , who was now  scanning through a film magazine on the side table… felt sorry for her  she had no clue about the man she was going to Marry … I decided then  I would  have to  save from this marriage.
Mami rushed  out , taking Juhi with  her.
Priya slowly limped bearing the pain to see  what is happening in  the hall.
 She entered the hall, Mamaji was in serious conversation with Ram kapoor
 She took the  chair  closest to the Door  which  gave  her vantage  view of  the circus which  was going to start.
Mamaji seeing me  introduced  me, has  his baanji who works  in school in Mumbai  and  who had come here for the vacation.
Ram  eyebrow came together in  a mark of confusion, 
Why was he  so confused  ? She thought
 Then the it all fell into place when Juhi  came  in with  tray of tea and snacks . Ram  was dumbstruck for a minute but  priya  had to  give to  him for a superfast recovery.
 Somewhere  in her heart the Devil was dancing  she got sadistic feeling , that   Ram actually thought  she was the bride  he  had come to see and reject ( because of what she knew of him  he was not into  marrying  anybody ) then why was he here… just to reject an innocent girl afterseeing her how chauvinistic  of him
 He would have got a satisfaction ,  if he had rejected her. Now he was deprived of the satisfaction.
 He looked up  to see  her smiling .. “”she knew that  irritating  miss goody  two shoes  knew  what  he was thinking  and what he had misunderstood””...
He will never give   her the satisfaction of  getting one over him, he had plan now !! and he smiled a sweet smile seeing it   confusion marred her features ….

 Ram coolly  took the tea,Juhi was offering smiled a devastating  smile  which would wipe entire female race of this world. Then  gave  priya a look  which warned that he was on to  something .

 Ram  quietly was making polite  conversation s with  Mamaji and Mamiji. Who by now smitten by their would be son in law.  And Priya was looking  at himwatchfully trying to  understand what his next move was. Juhi  had an artificial smile pasted  on  her  face as if she understood all that was happening there  .

It was time to leave soon , Priya didn’t understand what he planned to do , Ram   said he needed some time  to think  as  he  had  not thought about marriage  yet  because of his work and responsibilities Formally requested that he  would like to  get to know Juhi  before   to see if   his views  matched with Juhi. Mamaji was nervous because he knew if  Juhi talked ram would never turn come back  again. But Mamiji wasinfact happy about it had qualms but  that issue she was overconfident that her daughter beauty  will compensate for all her weakness

He made  his polite  Good bye said  he will come by tomorrow  to talk to Juhi Has he had some urgent business now .
  Before  leaving he gave Priya a smile that  made her  sure that  he was upto something .

 And She was right , 3 hours later he called mamaji saying that  he  had boy in mind for her !!!

 Mamaji was over the moon to know  that his  unmarried baanji  just  got a chance of her lifetime of happiness and  he felt at last  he would be saved  from his dead sister wrath  that  he didn’t take care of the  her family.

 On the other hand  Mamiji, was not so very happy  because Priya was stealing some importance from her daughter’s wedding and actually there may be a chance that priya  may get married  that to before her juhi and her prediction may be proved wrong 

As far as -Juhi , she was super excited for her,  in fact more than she was for her own wedding

And Priya  was seething with anger !!!!


Priya RamKumar


Unknown said...

Awesome one

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Nice update.

Anonymous said...

Craving For More...Pls Update soon :)

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