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Chapter 3 Bangalore
Bangalore always stupefied my senses with its architecture ,the Contemporary design happly co- inhabiting with ethical splendours. The style enriched the sky limits off Banglore. Designs and standard of construction Bangalore equalled the best in the world somehow left all other cities far behind in its sense of style and old world charm. Young and old mixed well , like whisky and soda in one busiest cities of South India, but at time same time maintained it captivating elegance.Today was going to be very important for me I am going to meet “PRIYA “
She works as lecturer as BMS School of Architecture, Yelahanka, Bangalore. This time I am not going to miss my chance of meeting her , I will not allow luck and fate to it take away.
I was so very eager to meet if I could fly I really would have but Bangalore and its nemesis “TRAFFIC” were slowing my progress to my destination.
Vikram and Neha have sms-ed million times asking where I was with who I was… and I am fed of answering where I am
Then I finally reached BMSS Architecture.
There was some sort fest happening… today of all days this as to happen… it felt like whole of Bangalore was here at this very campus.. how the hell Am I going to find her here, in this mayhem.
Pushed and Jostled my way through the crowd asking round for lecturer named Priya Sharma, Each one gave me different direction to search for ., I must have walked around the campus 3 times I was still not able to find her..
I was fast losing hoping of finding her today, I left a message with the peon giving my number and one 500 rupee note to ensure that he gives the number to her.
Got into my car , Slowly tagged out of the campus… then I saw her. She was standing on the other side of the road obviously waiting for an auto.. but she looked beautifully. I couldn’t take my eyes off her
She was wearing pink cotton saree hair let loose , two little silver jhumka adoring her perfect ears, simple kohl underline beautiful eyes,but the eyebrows marred with frown impatience’s.
I asked my driver to park the car just 50 meters before, where she was standing . I got down from my car, removed my coat left it in the car .. walked towards her.
Hello , I said ..She looked at me for minute .. and I said hello my name Is Ram Kapoor,She looked at me and smiled “I know I remember “she said
He was standing in front of my eyes.. I couldn’t believe it … His was standing so close I could smell cologne. He was plain white shirt , grey pin stripped formal pants. He was so handsome .His smile wrecked my heart. My heart fluttered, breathe left me. I never knew he was so tall he was extending arm too shake my hand , I didn’t want to give my hand , for the fear he would see them trembling. Yes, I was nervous , this is my man who has filled dreams for past 11 years.. how can I forgot him…
Past 11 years since day I saw him on the bus stand . after that He never left my dreams, in every dreams of mine he lived. But when I never ever saw him again …. Then I made myself to believe it was just a figment of my fertileimagination... that such a man never existed
And then, when I saw him on the pavement of Mauritius struggling for his life. For minute I was stunned, I couldn’t believe that this man actually existed, but then galvanised into action .I complete forgot that I was with that jerk Rajat Kapoor, I actually I really don’t know where he appeared from… He just stuck on to me like leach.. I was escaping from him when saw ram on the pavement ,, I shook myself out of my stupor . Made Rajat call the ambulance, took ram to hospital.
I didn’t even know his name till I saw wallet with credit cards, Since I saw him stepping out of the Sea food restaurant , I could tell the doctors that he had seafood for dinner.
I waited for him from to wake up, but Rajat started acting like jerk.. I knew I couldn’t stay there any more without causing a scene . When I saw his friend arrive ,I left , hoping I would meet him again.
And now here he was standing before me , flesh and blood the man of my dream .
Before I could stretch my hand to shake he had already withdrew his hand and put into his pocket. I lost my chance actually touching him, making sure that he really standing before me , that he not once again a part of my imagination.
How are you I asked? .
I am fine , Thanks to you that I am alive and kicking he assured me
So , you remember me ? I asked
Off course that is the only thing I remember, before fell unconscious, Thanks for saving life, you needn’t have to
But how could I not do something when I saw on the pavement struggling for life
He raised is eyebrow puzzled by my outburst..I immediately realised my folly corrected myself, how can I see another human being struggling for life and not help ,, I would have done this for anybody
But how are you here ? I asked
I came here for some personal work, to Bangalore… just saw you standing on the road, got down to thank you
So nice of you , there is no need , it just my duty
Priya , he cut me Before I could continue
I was surprised He knew my name
Seeing my surprise , he answered , I got to know your name from your boyfriend Rajat Kapoor
I grimaced hearing his name from Ram, he is not even my friend, leave alone boyfriend.. I just Somebody I met at the party.. I donot even know him that well to call him as friend I said
Ram Oh Okay, He told me your name is Priya Sharma.
Priya, If can call you that would you like have a cup of coffee with me,,, Just want to say thank you.. It not compulsion but , a request. I have my car waiting , It just for half hour , I will drop you back where ever you want ..least I could do for you
I wanted To say yes immediately but, didn’t know what he may think of me … that I would go with any man… But I wanted to go with him , to talk to him, to know him.I wanted know if he really was the man of my dreams. I needed tell yes without sounding desperate
I opened my mouth ,
He immediately said don’t refuse please it just coffee, what can happen over cup of coffee And I agreed .
His Black BMW appeared from nowhere the chauffer got down, before he could open the door for me Ram opened the door for me , I sat down in the plush car, He came around sat next to me
He immediately instructed to driver to café near Kappan park ..
We entered the café, Ram ordered a cappuccino , I ordered a Latte .. Then he ordered some sandwiches.. and asked If I want anything. I was too nervous to eat. I refused.
We were given the corner seat. Ram started asking about me what I do. I usually never talk to anybody so much in the first meeting .It takes time for to me warm up and start making a conversation but with Ram I felt so comfortable . I felt I could talk anything under the sun , he would listen and understand. Which was very rare between two unknown individual who have just met for the first time. I felt so contacted with him that even if I was silent I knew he would know I was thinking,
Ram talked about his childhood his family, his struggle as businessman to reach this level of success and his two close friends Neha and Vikram. I understood something like me he valued his family a lot .For him also family was most important part of his life. I could really appreciated his love and devotion towards his family. Basically ram and me were very similar .One thing which we very different was he was a foodie loved non veg food and I have always been picky eater vder strict vegetarian . And he really , really could eat, by now he had cobbled both the plates of Club sandwiches and I was still drinking my latte
Ram then asked if I would want to go for a walk with him across the road in kappan park., It was 4 in the evening it was 2 hours since both of us started talking, I knew we could no longer sit in the café,, already waiters were giving us funny looks. And most importantly I wanted to be with Ram as long as I can.I want to relish this bond , as long as I can because I don’t know what or whether he will ever feel anything for me .i need to savour very feeling to last a lifetime.
We slowly walked around the park enjoying sunshine, and cool evening breeze, October in Bangalore one of the beautiful , We nothing new to talk now we had shared very thing that had happened in life , . No longer conversation were required , word were no longer needed to build these conversation , we just knew …
Ram and me sat near the pond looking at ripples it formed, we are at peace.But my heart was still fluttering with this nearness..
I picked the a stone to hide my sudden sense of restlessness, must have picked it in wrong way in my nervousness , it cut my hand , the cut caused bleeding, the sudden pain caused me to yelp.
Ram reacted, what happened he asked , as soon as he saw my cut, he cursed , removed ishandkerchief to tie, the minute he caught my hand , I knew we connected, a tingle passed through me
Ram?" my name was a mere whisper on her lips, her eyes were quite adorably blinking and befuddled, and how was it I 'd never noticed what an intriguing shade of brown they were? Almost light brownnear the pupil. I'd never seen anything like it, and yet it wasn't as if I hadn't seen her a hundred times before.
I stood--suddenly, drunkenly. Best if we weren't quite on the same latitude. Harder to see her eyes from up here.
She stood, too.
Damn it.
"Ram?" she asked, her voice barely audible. "Could I ask you a favor?"
Call it male intuition, call it insanity, but a very insistent voice inside of me was screaming that whatever she wanted had to be a very bad idea.
I was, however, an idiot. I had to be, because I felt my lips part and then I heard a voice that sounded an awful lot like my own say, "Of course."
Her lips puckered, and for a moment I thought she was trying to kiss me, but then I realized that she was just bringing them together to form a word.
Just a word. Nothing but a word beginning with W. W always looked like a kiss.
"Would you kiss me?"
And then Priya did the one thing that could break my resolve in an instant. She looked up at me, deeply into my eyes, and uttered one, simple word.
I was lost. There was something heartbreaking in the way she was gazing at me, as if she might die if I didn't kiss her. Not from heartbreak, not from embarrassment--it was almost as if she needed me for nourishment, to feed her soul, to fill her heart.
And I couldn't remember anyone else ever needing me with such fervor.
It humbled me. Because I also needed her so much
It made me want her with an intensity that nearly buckled my knees. I looked at her, and somehow I didn't see the woman I'd seen so many times before. She was different. She glowed. She was a siren, a goddess, and I wondered how on earth no one had ever noticed this before.
"Ram?" she whispered. I took a step forward--barely a half a foot, but it was close enough so that when I touched her chin and tipped her face up, her lips were mere inches from mine
Our breath mingled, and the air grew hot and heavy. Priya was trembling--I could feel that under my fingers-- but I wasn't so sure that I wasn't trembling, too.
.As I closed the bare distance between us, I realized that there were no words that could capture the intensity of the moment
No words for the passion. No words for the need.No words for the sheer epiphany of the moment.
And so, on an otherwise unremarkable Friday afternoon, in the heart of Bangalore, in a quiet kabban park t, Ram Kapoor kissed Priya Sharma .
And it was glorious.
My lips touched hers softly at first, not because I was trying to be gentle, although if I'd had the presence of mind to think about such things, it probably would have occurred to me that this was her first kiss, and it ought to be reverent and beautiful and all the things a girl dreams about as she's lying in bed at night.
But in all truth, none of that was on My's mind. In fact, I was thinking of quite little. My kiss was soft and gentle because I was still so surprised that I was kissing her.I'd known her for years, had never even thought about touching my lips to hers. And now I couldn't have let her go if the fires of hell were licking my toes. I could barely believe what I was doing--or that I wanted to do it so damned much.
It wasn't the sort of a kiss one initiates because one is overcome with passion or emotion or anger or desire. It was a slower thing, a learning experience—for me just as much as for Priya.
And I was learning that everything I thought I'd known about kissing was rubbish.
This was a kiss.
There was something in the friction, the way I could hear and feel her breath at the same time. Something in the way she held perfectly still, and yet I could feel her heart pounding through her skin.
There was something in the fact that I knew it was her.This was more than a kiss.it was love
I Couldn’t continue,,, this was a public place
I pulled myself from her, Priya No No .. we can’t do this , here let’s leave
Please come , I pulled her with me , called the car.. I don’t know what priya was feeling , I was sure I have no longer control over my sense… . I don’t know how it happened ,,, But felt so so good, so right , she was with me.. after today she will be always be with me…
Priya listen !! , I am going to hotel. first I can’t do this …. I need to figure the right way to do this so now, I want you go home, I will come pick you up at 9 pm , , I don’t want you rush into anything without giving some thought I don’t want you to regret it later this will give us some think then we will discuss , please priya do you understand what I am telling you
She just nodded her head…
I dropped her at home, went back to the hotel..
I sent driver away…. got things organised for dinner, Got ready for the most important dinner date of my life .
I drove to her home, with help of my map navigator.. I reached her apartment in Jay nagar
I rang the bell, nobody answered, kept ringing the bell . still nobody answered.. then women from neighbouring stepped out from the house. She said are you MR Kapoor?
Yes I said, Priya has left .. she said that she will not coming back again .. She asked me to hand over this letter to you…
Priya ‘Left what happening just two hours back everything was alright … what the hell?
Letter said
Dear Mr Kapoor
Sorry for what happened in the park, It shouldn’t have happened and it never will.. I know now we are not right for each other.. Sorry!! Please accept my apologies if I said or done anything which hurt your sentiments . Believe me when I say It shouldn’t have happen I am really really sorry
What hurt sentiments , what about my heart?/ where hell is she ?
Priya RamKumar
Beautiful update. feel bad for ram.
Awww Just Loving it...update it soon :)
Wow lover it
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