Friday, 2 January 2015

FF - It Happened One Night Part 2

Hello friends hope enjoying This Story

Click Here For Part 1 

Chapter 2 :

Though  he sat  in the front seat  of the jeep , his thought was still  consumed by the beauty which he  held for seconds, he could still feel the softness of her skin  in his hands . He just wanted to hold on to her forever but  that was not going to be possible, not now anyway .   He  understood  she couldn’t stand him, but at the same time she was not immune to him , he had felt her heartbeat  hammer ,eyes sparkle with  awareness and her blush that crept her cheek when he held  her  it was dead giveaway  . But   he knew she would never acknowledge it and definitely not to him, she  always hide it from him   she always  did now.  

When  he first  met her at  Delhi  she was different somehow today there was  wall around her and  that seems impossible to break .  10 years ago they  met   for the first time at  Delhi  at    Hotel  Ashoka    just  as Ram and Priya   just as two strangers who  met at fairly ordinary circumstance there was nothing special  about the meeting  . There  was no spark that flew  at that time, nor  there was this sizzling chemistry.. they were  just  two  ordinary people   sitting alone  at back ground  of  discotheque watching  people  having fun  on a  Saturday night …. Yes that was so long  ago,  but   Ram remembered every detail of that ordinary meeting 

Priya  sitting behind  with  the luggage was also thinking about their first meeting … at Delhi .. there was nothing special that night ,    she was  28  then she had come down for a  school sponsored training programme for NCERT  teachers that  day. She represented her school.  Immediately after completing  her  B Ed  ,she  had started teaching  when  was just  21  one of the youngest. She always wanted to be teacher     at this school,  her parents death  in the accident just pre poned   the event she actually wanted to  do her Doctorate, but that  dream  got  shelved  midway , because of their death . The Financial  situation  was not dire because papa had saved but not enough when  you have two  younger siblings studying  , a steady  monthly  income was needed to run the  day to day show. The savings were just enough to support  her  meager income . They  lived  comfortably  in their middle class income.

 7 years  she supported  her  sister and her brother  to make mark for themselves  in  the world.   Karthik   passed out his MBA and had joined a MNC in Bangalore . And Ayesha   had finished  BA fashion designing joined  fashion house in Paris  has intern . It had  made her feel  happy   that  the  her brother and sister were happy  in their life ,but she felt lonely all of a sudden .  She knew that  they would have to leave  one day    but she never knew  it would happen   so soon.  Then  when this training came up she volunteered to go for it  during the Winter vacation as the rest of  the  coworkers didn’t want  to spend their  vacation away from their family. 

but  Priya  wanted to  escape  the lonely house  in which she lived , especially during  holidays  alone was  her biggest  nightmare.   Shruthi  her best friend  and also her coworker from the  school also joined as her  husband was travelling   aboard so  decided it would be   fun to  have some girl time.

So  here she was  at this  hotel discotheque because Shruthi  wanted herto come along …  Shruthi  knew  how  lonely  she was ,and  wanted  to   priya for once in a life time enjoy  life . She   always took care for her  sibilings  given them her 100% , but  suddenly  she was alone in the world with nothing to do no life. Shruthi took it upon herself to correct the situation . But  priya was  not so sure about that   life would change  that she would meet  a guy . Somewhere her early responsibility  made her too matured too cynical of life.She was no longer sure that she would meet anybody  Who would be interested in her     the person.  Sometimes she  felt  she was actually older than  28 years of age

 Shruthi  had tired to pull her to the dance floor , but  Priya  was not interested  she stayed back .
 After    1 hr ,  a group  of  people joined  in    it looked like they were friends  just come in to have a  good time. Except for one everybody was casually  dressed .   The man was wearing suit , looked odd in the informal  settings
Everybody from the group  hit the  dance floor except  for the man in the suit

Shruthi  came back to where priya   was sitting … Come on Priya I bought you here  to have some fun,  how are you going  get  your dream man  if you   insist on  sitting  on your ass here. Just come and enjoy na.

Shruthi chod na yaar , you know I dont dance .. last thing  in mind  is  right now is  meeting   a man leave out any dream man. I just not sure  I am  the right kind of material for  a relationship.   I am to independent to be dependent on some one  , I don’t think  I would like  someone   interfering in my life also .. you go enjoy  I am fine here..

You know  priya  you  sometimes  talk like your 60 years  old  do you know  what darling ?? you are just 28 years old… so  please..  don’t give me that  depressing speech  Priya. I know  how lonely you are  . You need someone  in your life,   someone  to take care of you  someone to love you . You were always the responsible one  even when your parents were alive , you never really  enjoyed  life. I think  it is time now to enjoy , all your responsibilities towards your siblings are over , it is time do something for yourself .  Another  2  years Karthik  and Ayesha  I am sure will marry  someone they like and settle down,  but what about you . Don’t you think you have to think about your  future ,    I can  only  SEE a lonely  life I don’t want that for you , I know  how much you  want  your own family and children ? I think  you should think about . Even Karthik.. and sopped

What karthik ?  she asked    when  she heard  brother's name don’t tell  me  you  and my brother talked  about my m y love life … come on yaar .. aur  kohi  mila nahi tujhe

 Oh god !!!.. sach me yaar  I can’t  keep a secret  !! . nahi yaar   karthik was just concerned about you that  day , he felt   you were too lonely !!isileyeee yaar

Ane do usko , algi  baar  jab ayega  tho tum duno ko dekloogi  mein

 Before she could   reply  ,I heard  somebody calling her name , it was  one of the  girls from the gang which entered in
  As soon as Shruthi saw her , she jumped up  in  joy , hugged her . Shruthi and the girl were now screaming  OMG  OMG  !!  in various  modulations  one after and another.  Everybody around stopped to look at them .

It looked like they were old friends meeting after ages. Shruthi   then calmed down, introduced the girl to me
she was Neha Singh  her college mate  and bestest buddy . Neha  was quickly corrected  that  she was now Shergill and  now that she was  married  to Vikram ,  Another set  OMG  came out  but this time from Shruthi .  Shruthi  it seems    knew Vikram also .  She immediately    hugged and was in turn hugged by everybody except  the man in suit . He  just casually  raised his hand to say HI.  Somehow managed circumvent the impending hug from a very emotional Shruthi  . I had to mentally congratulate him for evading the hug .I  Know shruthi  ,  she does get  very emotional  or should   I say over emotional  at  small  gestures…  and  when she gets emotionally she tends to  go overboard with  her hugs .. This was such  circumstance .     But  when she came to the  man , she   stopped herself .  who  this man  who made  Shruthi  restrain herself..  because that  was really   one of hell of task ..

Her  curiosity peeked ..  she looked closely at him ,  He was tall ,   his  hair  neatly combed ,  he had a  smirking smile which accentuated the dimple on his chubby cheek,  watching the play  between the  friends. As if he  knew  too much, there was an arrogance in  the way  in which he held himself .  The  suit  ,watch  and shoes suggested he was wealthy.  He was definitely not fit,  he  had a paunch  but  his face  had something which  made a person  want to  take second  look at  him. He looked like he came out of  meeting into   the discotheque   . He silently left the great union scene went back to seat he was occupying   like  her  it looked as if  he was also  silent spectator .

 When  he reached  the seat  he ordered  his drinks, for a second  looked straight at her!! for the first time seeing her  , noticing  her  . He  saw  that  she was looking  at him he smiled at her as if to  mean that  he understood  how she felt about   the whole drama that  was unfolding  in  the center of the dance floor. I smiled  a answering  smile . He acknowledged it by a toast with his glass. Suddenly  it felt that they knew each other and they   were the same . For moment she was stunned that  she understood  what   he felt . There was something undeniable about what passed between them . They just understood each other as if   they  talked to  each other    He looked  at her with frown  in his  forehead trying  to understand  what exactly happened .    Then the erie factor  left her ,  she  was called by Shruthi   for an around of introductions. She politely nodded at   the introductions acutely aware that the man in the suit  was watching her with a smile . Now that smile irritated her . She  wanted  to leave  to go back  to her seat  at the corner of the discotheque.  But decorum demanded that  she finish the introductions,  shruthi 's friend Neha made wait more when she said wait  let me  introduce you to my  friend   .

Ram Neha shouted  at the man in the suit  Ram come na ,   Please meet priya na.

All this was happening on the middle of the dance floor all the other dancers  were now silent spectators  to show Neha and shruthi  were organizing. Some were  even complaining  about it.  Both shruthi and Neha were  least bothered about what others felt .  When  Ram  the man in  the suit, was not budging , Neha sent her man vikram  to get Ram.

 Kya yaar Fatty  she  called him,  meet Priya  she  said   Priya looked at him  silently  enjoying his discomfort now, Abey fatty  a na   with wave of her hand . The wave proved to be saving grace of the  day , Neha spilled the water the waiter was carrying  on priya. O “”’  another set of OMG  came out  from Neha  and , started apologizing for   her gaff.   Priya  took this opportunity to slip  out   with excuse of drying herself.  She  left the  dance floor  hurriedly  , when  she left   she looked back  at the man in suit , he  was also watching  her , raised a toast  silently congratulating her  for successfully escaping the dance floor

Priya was walking  on the  lawns of the  Hotel ,  trying to enjoy the delhi winter .  She must have   been  out for close to half an hour  when she felt  somebody’s presence other than her in the garden  . She turned back and looked it was  man  in the suit  the Ram. He was quietly  enjoying a smoke ,  it didn’t look like he even knew she was there . He too deep in thought holding a cigarette .

Ram  hated  parties , specially  those   parties   that  involved   dancing  .. Dancing was  a puzzle that  he could never solve  He found it diff cult  to do .  When it  involved something which  involves moving  with music and that  to moving synchronized to the  other persons movement ,  which he found very complicated  . Neha had tried to teach him ,  but failed miserably , and ended with  a fractured feet  after  that she never forced him to dance .  and After that  he never attempted  it again  in fact  he  preferred   to  turning  wheels of   business deals or trading the stock market .. He never was capable of dancing  and never will able to understand. It  .business was his life money making was his mantra  he  had to prove  to the world that he was better than his father ,  though he may be son of late Amarnath  Kapoor  he was nothing like him. 

 Amarnath Kapoor  taught him two  vital lessons of his life , what not to do with money and   how not  live life . He was grateful  to  his father.   He saw father  drinking  and  wasting life , saw him  living  a life of debauchery , he lost his mother  because of his   father's debauchery.  When   Ram  turned eighteen  his mother left his  father,  she could no longer live with him , his  mother wanted him to come   with her , but   he knew  in his   mother  new life there was  no space for  him. She was marrying  again to somebody  she loved , and new man  didn’t want to  him . Not  that he said anything directly  to him, but    he just knew . He   was happy for his mother. She had tried to live with his father for 20 years  for him  she had sacrificed so much for him.  So  he held no grudges against her  or the man  who she wanted to marry . He was  old enough   to understand   become a man ...he had no choice but live with his father.

 His father  started drinking more heavily , he kept saying to  ram   how much he loved him ,  and   how he is going  try  to turn a new leaf and stop drinking . But  he never could ,  every evening  it was the same story , nothing changed  until one day  his father bought home a lady , he was dead drank . He called out  to him   and said  Ram  this  is   your new mother,  Niharika  She loves me lot  and  as always loved me.

 What Ram didn’t  know  till then was  Niharika was his  father second  wife , the fact which   he had   never actually felt  need to tell him till today  that  he had another family tucked away . Through  that  wife he had three children, and the youngest was  child a girl was   just 2 years  old.     He  felt anger at his father for cheating his  mother ,  cheating this women and   these children and making them live life  of a lie . Niharika must just 10 years  older than me ,  the eldest  child  Siddharth was almost 10 years that means my father  married  her when   she only 18 years . He felt sad for  her  and the life  his father had given her . He never knew why she married him or and what the compulsion that made her marry him  a drunked .  Sins  of  father where right  there in front of him, , He knew what  he had to do . He needed to  take charge .  CLEAN  up his father mess.
When the   youngest  child  clung to his shirt  tail and called  him bhai … looking at  her innocence , he picked her up  in  his arms , her cute  pigtails and innocent smile took  his heart  away . He took   them in .  They became his family.  He vowed   to himself that  he  will  give them the life    they deserve . .  Ram Kapoor that day became  the man . he took charge of  life  and changed its course .  He knew money was only  way  make things  work,   so he worked hard to earn . And  earned it in piles. His father passed way  one night  in his sleep  No body mourrned his death . Ram pitied that man 

 He  and his stepmother never had  great relationship, he  never understood her  . She  inturn  was happy with life she got  and  she thought  atlast  she deserved the  life she was getting   for being married to that drunk sloth. She used the money   Ram earned  to live  a life she always dreamed  and  wanted. Ram  never questioned her buying or  spending , he gave whatever she wanted  out of sense of  guilt . And she lived  and thrived on  it.They  lived hapily co in habbiting  as  family with no ties other than money

Today  he had come    here to this party   at instance of Neha and Vikram his only  friends , the  only people who knew Ram  kapoor  the person.      He could never say   no to  Neha , somehow she made him do things  that he normally  would never do  for  any other person. Because   he knew she loved him as friend  , whatever  she did was  out of that love  and concern . So he indulged  her.

 He  stood so engrossed in his past   he forget  the cigarette  in his hand had reached its fag end , it burnt in  finger he quickly dropped it stomped on it. Then the he suddenly  felt somebody was watching  him looked up to see  the mouse  sorry  what  was the name   he tried to remember neha said something  he forgot  he was never good  with names of ladies anyway . Her eyes  told him  a story  he wanted to   know  what  she was thinking ,  he was very curious about her. There was something different about her  which  he could  never pin point to  ,something which made her standout from the crowd.  She  was no  earth shattering beauty, but there was something  about her  eyes that piqued him . He walked forward to where  she was standing . Seeing  him coming towards her , made her stiffen.  He took it  has challenge

  Forgive me, for intruding  he said smoothly, and she shivered, because his voice—it wasn‘t
what she‘d thought it would be. It sounded like the smell of wood it felt like the
taste of chocolate. And she wasn‘t so certain why she‘d shivered, because now she felt
rather warm.―I am  Ram kapoor he murmured,  holding his hand out
. ―You are  he asked  sorry  I didn’t catch your name  in that crowd and noise
 Priya she said

  She  had no choice  but to  hold his arm and shakeit .  it  was after all  it was good manners . But  she hesitated   she  quickly  gave it  and  urgently  removed it from  the warm big hands .
―he continued I am very pleased to meet you .
She nodded. She probably ought to speak; it would certainly be more polite. But
she felt in danger of losing her poise, and it was wiser to remain silent.
―I do business, he added, looking vaguely amused at her reaction.
―Of course, she replied. She kept her face even. He would not get the best of
her. ―
Oh  I teach at  a school she replied   there was nothing else she could add  about  herself to a complete stranger , nor did he have anything to say

He didn‘t say anything. Not right away. But his eyes fixed on hers, and it took
every ounce of her fortitude to maintain her expression. Placid, composed, and with
just a hint of curiosity. She thought the last necessary—if she hadn‘t been spying on
him ,she would certainly have found the encounter at dance floor intriguing  somewhat curious.
A strange man, acting as if they‘d met.
A strange, handsome man.
A strange, handsome man who looked as if he might…
Why was he looking at her lips?
Why was she licking her lips?
― So here on business she asked  trying  something
 distract herself. Anything to break the silence.
Yes he noded   waiting for  him to continue ... he didnt  and she didnt know what to say .
Silence was not her friend, not with this man, not anymore. ―
You   didn’t join them she continued  indicating vaguely at  discotheque
 No he replied .  I don’t  like  dancing . then there was silence again

―I wanted a smoke  and  wanted enjoy fresh air  he said,
You know smoking is injurious to health , and  more so  for passive smoker.  And went on and continued to give him lecture on how bad smoking is  for health .  By the end of it  she realized he was  just  indulging  her , and his smirk showed  that her 2 minutes of lectures of facts and fig  had no impact on him . He was  just going to ignore  her and  continue smoking . He was actually  laughing at  her. Anger rose its ugly head .

She stopped and glared .

She felt  as if she had something in her throat it was  her anger  . ―If you‘ll excuse
me… She motioned to the door, because surely he‘d noticed that she had been
moving toward the exit when he‘d intercepted her.

― Oh okay  he said  making way for to leave the lawn .Until next time,

She searched for a witty rejoinder, or even one sarcastic and sly, but her mind
was a hazy blank. He was gazing upon her with an expression that seemed to say
nothing of him, and yet everything of her. She had to remind herself that he didn‘t
know all of her secrets. He didn‘t know her.

Somewhat rejuvenated by her indignation, she gave him a nod she turned, and
she left. She was leaving   when she tripped over her own feet and fell forward on the lawn .. He  was soon  standing near her  trying to help her she was mortified and embarrassed  that  this  man witnessed her  fall. She immediately got up , with remaining  pride that was left  nodded  that she was okay  left the lawn . She did  not look back   but knew somehow  he would be laughing at her with that silly smile on his face .  She  didn’t like him no  she didn’t .. he was  too  arrogant ,

 Ram  looked at  her walking stiffly  towards the   hotel entrance,  she was sure funny  little mouse she had the audacity  to  lecture  him .....  he didn’t  like her  no he didn’t like her He didnt like the goody two little shoes 


Priya Ram

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