Saturday, 3 January 2015

FF - Eernal Shades Of Love Part 1

Hello Friends here is New Story



When did  you  fall  in love with me she  asked ?? It was our 25th anniversary, 25 years beautiful years have passed since the day this women become part of my life in front of thousand people, but what she never knew that she was already part of my soul from the day I saw her 37 years ago…..

It was rainy day in Mumbai’s, I always hated rains, I was standing in the bus stand talking to Vikram and Neha. We were standing under the bus shelter hoping for the rain to stop , and so that we could enjoy the ride on the  new bike. We were  only 22 years  just finished  post-graduation  … Neha and vikram  were very  serious  about their relationship thinking of getting married once vikram got a  job.  Neha and Vikram  were now  trying convince  me to  go for date .  I had nothing  now  my father died  when  he   lost his  business due to bad decision,  I  was just  left  with family to support    huge debt to repay. In My life  there no was time for romance  … I was happy for Neha and Vikram who were so much in love.

When they got busy arguing among themselves with whom to send  me on the date with , then  I saw her … My love..  she was just wearing simple  pink kurthi with  a jeans … she looked like aPrincess… She was must have been all of 18 years old   I know  too young for me,  but there was something about her which made my eyes follow her every movement from little frown that marred her forehead  to the curl of lips  , she was scolding something , when I looked closely it was her mobile….  She was frustrated with it …  .angry with it…. I just wanted to go there throw the phone away  I didn’t want  anything to trouble her  or anger to mar her beautiful face… I wanted  her to look at me. Suddenly she looked up and saw me.. my world stopped … I forgot to breathe… Before I could say anything or do anything  a bus came….she left in that the bus.

I was left on the same bus stand  -standing  and wondering whether she saw me or not. My heart told me that she was my girl… but  life had given me too many responsibilities ,,, I cannot think about her  again ,,,, My life is now  is my family ,  romance has no place in it

After 1  year…..

I saw her again this time at the same bus stand she was with an  elderly man, she was  super excited… she was happy .she was  just  wearing a simple cotton salwar .She was talking about something very animatedly  to  the man, I think he was her father .. or I hoped he was her father… .But my eyes once again got distracted at seeing her smile she holding out something to him it was a dairy milk… and forcing him to eat…  he took  a bite and gave the rest to her.. There was pride in his face.. now I am convinced  that she is his daughter. She then took a bite from the dairy milk. Her pinks lips touched the chocolate , my mouth opened automatically .. I wanted to be that chocolate. When  Her tongue licked the chocolate… it was so sensuous … I was goner. There was small bit chocolate  dripping from the side  of her lips…  .I knew I wanted to be  person to wipe that drip of chocolate. I wanted to taste that chocolate .I know it would taste better than any “AMRIT” on earth .   I Just wanted to meet her .But I also knew ,now was not the right time to talk to her. Especially with her father  with her. The man was carrying two bags of shopping  it looked like she had taken his daughter to a shopping trip.. there are footwear ,perfumes  I could just see  only these two.from the top of one bag. I never bothered about shopping before but  today I wanted to know everything  about this girl  who was standing in front of me , I couldn’t hear what  they were talking about   but only be silent spectator to  their happiness. I wanted to be there with them to take part  in that happiness…. But alas I cannot…  My life is just starting… I need a long way to go  before I approach her.. But If my fate had plans of me with that girl then she would surely be mine. Then an auto came by  both  got inside the auto left…  for moment I thought she peeped out  of the auto to see me. Before I could even confirm . The auto turned at signal  and she vanished before my eyes.

After  5 years

I have now created  a buzz in business world  Mumbai – As the blue eyed boy of  business world.. but there was still speculation about  me being  just one day wonder.. I need to prove to distractors that I am here for  a long term haul. Today I reached kolkatta… to sign a deal with an IT  company specialised in website development  erp  systems this  I thought  would be  good company for the future business in IT  and  a base for KI eastern India business .

It was long meeting  I had just another hour  before  I had to leave for the flight…. I needed get back to India Neha was expecting  a first child anytime and vikram needed  me  with him .I promised them I would  be back in Mumbai tonight. When I stepped out of the Md’s room I saw her …  what was she doing here . She looked different  , She had  now long hair she had  plaited it   A small whimsical strand was troubling when she was talking ,I wanted go and  there tuck it behind her ear .She was sitting  with  her group  of friends talking to them….  Or trying  to talk to them in her broken bengali and  everybody was having fun  at her expenses… her laughter was infectious it made me want to smile with  her I wanted to join .The  MD  called me I went in to talk to him… when came out the group had dispersed. I once gain lost the   chance of talking to her I asked the MD who they were.. He said they were interns.. he didn’t know what was the name of the girl was.. all  he knew was she was from Mumbai and today was the last day of her internship.But one thing he said she could do  was to keep the group of interns united and get things done from them .Then  he used a  beautiful Sanskrit word for it “SANJUKT”..

I once again fate helped me to see her.. but the same fate   didn’t allow me to meet her… I was convinced that she was for me..


Priya Ramkumar


Unknown said...

Awesome start of story.

Anonymous said...

Good start

Unknown said...

Superb start

Dhristi said...

Beautiful part now going for next part

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