Monday, 22 August 2016

RAYA SS : Exclusively Mine Part 2



PREVIOUSLY ON Exclusively Mine

Priya landed On Ram's office and He torn Her appointment letter because of this She late for her interview Ram offered Her Job but She Refused and gave him a lecture Now he is adamant to make her Work For him What will happen you will get to know in the  The Next Part

PART 2 "Welcome To The Hell"
“I Don’t know How will you find her I want her contact details in 1 Hour “ Ram barked on Phone and hang up
1 hour later
Sikha came Running to Ram’s Cabin
“What the…..” What are you doing and did you find her Number Ram Asked her…
“Sir RK shahay refused to give Her Number “ She replied looking at Floor
“Get Lost” He replied and She left without turning Back

“Hello Shahay “ Ram Kapoor Speaking
“Hello Mr Kapoor” RK shahay replied in Low Voice
“I heard  you refused to give Contact Detail of Priya Sharma???” Ram asked him
“Look Mr.Kapoor She is not my employ because she ddnt came to give interview and our company have policy we cant give information our employ and She is not even My employ “ Shahay tried to point his view
But Ram Cutoff him and Barked again “Okay So I will take My contract Back from Gupta who is main Funder of Your Onging construction Site..IF He Gone You Gone Think again I ll count only 5….and 5 4 3 2
“I am sending her resume in a bit “ Shahay replied and heard Phone line cut
Ram open his Dairy and called on One Number

“I want every single Detail of this Number Where she lives. Family Background Everything …( And he gave Priya’s Number to Other person)

1 Hour Later
Whatsapp message Appeared on His Screen
Priya Sharma age 31 moved From Delhi to Mumbai 1 months ago
Lives in 1 BHK apartment with her handicapped Brother Karthik
Parents Died  in 6 months ago…Currently Jobless
She Left her brother in “Sevagram” School for special Kids and She is searching Job She have Work Experience From Delhi but unfortunately her Uncle and Aunt kicked her Out and Snatched All properties Current Income Source “Fixed Deposit” which is Enough for only this month No More Income Source  anything Else RK ???

Ram Grins reading This and replied “NO…1 lakh Deposited “
Another 1 Hour Later

“ SEVAGRAM “ School
Principle: I am so grateful to you Sir But Sir…
Ram Cuthim off in between “I am not used to here If, but etc etc”
Principle : oaky Sir I will do
Ram “ No will….Do Now
Sacredly Principle dialled Priya’s Number
She picked up in 4 Rings
“Yes Sir any emergency “ Priya asked
“Ms.Sharma we are facing big crisis So we are selling our Schools To One industrialist but he denied to give Admission to Your Brother” Principle Spoke in One breath looking at Ram Who has a devilishly Smile on his Face
“But Sir How can you do this and Why he is not giving admission to My brother Sir I don’t have enough Money to Change School of My brother”…priya replied urge on Crying
“This is the problem His Company’s Changed All rules According to His Company’s New Rule is You Have to submit Advance fee of two months and you Still ddnt paid Last two month fees” principle replied
“What he think of himself I want to meet him who is he” Priya demanded
“Ram  Krishna Kapoor”
“Ram Krishna Kapoor”she Froze on her spot hearing This Name 
Ram Kapoor Is he Same Ram Kapoor who offered her Job and She rejected Yes he is the same Ram Krishna Kapoor” Priya Talk to herself
“But why he is interested to buy a Special type of School May be Charity works” She talk to herself Again
“But If he wanna Charity Then Why he is Kicking Out my Brother From School Why “ She asked herself and answered too “iska jawab to to Ram Kapoor hi de Sakta hai(only Ram Kapoor Can Give Answers) “  She said to Her Self and Stops auto
“RK Kapoor Industries” This Time No mistake

Kapoor Industries
Ram looked at watch And Then the entrance he already Gave permission to Send priya in without waiting He will Now Teach her what happen when Someone Walked out on RK…Ram Kapoor who has everything in his life and No One….Yes No One Dare to Say NO to him…but How Dare She….

He smiled again thinking About this….Suddenly he stood up and went to bookshelf He carried Four-five book some old files Which is covered with dust he Kept all files on his Desk….he looked again his watch and Entrance…There She is Coming….

“Welcome Back to hell Ms Sharma” he smirked
She knock before enter And heard low Come in
She walks in and looked at him Her eyes meet with his
“how dare You “ He heard her voice
In a Second He Stood in Front of Her Too Close She Didn’t even blink her eyes and She saw him Standing so close to her just inches away
And She Saw his fingers on his Lips saying her to Stay quiet
“This is My office So stay quiet and Don’t you dare to rise your voice Again in front of me Tell me what brings you here  “ He surprised himself to talking so calm with her otherwise if Anyone raised a voice in front of him he ll surly Kicked him/her out of the windows from 20th Floor
“You very well Know Sir Why I am here cut the crap and tell me Why you are doing this I very well know you are not interested in that school there is something behind this “ She Challenged him again
His Blood Boiled this chit of girl “Yes I am not Interested in that Middle class School I am Interested in you “ He shocked himself What the hell he is talking
“What “ He heard her saying
“How Dare you walked on me.. rejected my Offer  Now You have only one option otherwise i will Kick our your Brother and Demolish that school and You are responsible for all other children’s School life too” He said and  Felt relief Finally he Played his Cards
“Wh….She Stammered What Option “ She asked Scarily
“Work As My Secretary” he turns and He smiled Evilly in front of her
Her Face Become pale So that is his plan She refused to work for him and he did all this to make her work for him She thought and looked at him Who is Seems waiting for Her answer
She quickly calculate in her mind that She needs job badly…She needs Money Badly….Her brother’s Childhood is suffering Badly….And This Devil will make her Life miserable Badly…

“Badly” She blurted ….he looked at her with one eyebrow up “What” he asked
“O…k Okay I am ready to w…work for you “ She replied 
He smiled

"So early Ms Sharma  What happen to you Principle Now" Ram Said
S…Sir I need this Job but My principles are Still same You used my  weakness my brother today someday you will realize this mistake “ She blurted again
His anger rose up She looked at him coming towards Her She moved back 1 2 3 steps and her back touched wall
He put his hands on wall and Locked her in between his arms She closed her eyes in fear he come close to her ear and he whispers
“You talk too much Ms Sharma“
Quickly left her He Moved backed and Barked again

“Clean the table and Get a Black Coffee for me And yes Wear Something Professional Not This Jhalli Type of this

What If…..She about to say but He answered Her question
“I wont fire you Ms Sharma You will punished for Your Mistakes So don’t even try to do any mistake intentionally Meet the Jenny at reception She ll Tour you around and all my necessary thing she ll tell you Now Get Lost  ”

She glared him and Left the Cabin Murmuring under her breath
Evil..rakshash Mota…..
 He rubs His Hands with each Other and Smiled leaned Back on his chair and put His Legs on His desk a satisfying Smile on His Face
Priya Walked Back to reception with confused Look Why he is so adamant…whatever one thing is clear that he wont fire me But He ll make My life hell

“Welcome to the Hell Priya” She said Close her eyes and let out a Sigh for her condition 


"Hop in i ll Drop You " He said 

"I dont take life from strangers " She replied in acidic tone

"What the ...."

There is My Bus She said and Runs to her Bus and left behind Fumed Ram  

"She rejected My Offer Again " He greeted his teeth and Bang on the Steer Wheel" Let Her Come tommrow

"Good For him What he Thinks he is first he blackmailed me For working for him Now he is giving me lift what irony isn't it" She smiled and Sit on window Seat

NOTE : If anyone want to publish their Stories on this site You can send me mail @ 


Unknown said...

lovely part...ram blkmail shahay to find priya's cntct details..aftr knwng her weakns i.e her hnficpd brthr ram trpd her easily in his game...aftr al ds priya agrd to wrk as his sctry..waitng fr der ofc nokjhk....updt soon

Anonymous said...

good part

Deepti said...

Keep it up...

Unknown said...

Ram is such a arrogant jerk to satisfied his male ego giving hard time to Priya and behaving like this as she is his property. But alas she given up to hos demand only for her brother.

Kitty said...

Good story continue soon

Dhristi said...

Pls update this story pls

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