Sunday, 19 June 2016

NEW Three Shots : Tum Bin Prologue

Hello friends Currently i am busy with My New Website 
So i dnt have time to write and continue my other stories but One of my close friend requested me to write something i have promised a short story So here is prologue If i get good response then i ll continue this 

Note : Song in Blue colors From Sanam re movie Tum Bin 

 Curtains Flying with Wind just like finger playing with piano Shimmering bell came to match the rhythms with curtains .....    
She was standing at balcony her hands spread in air She was Enjoying Cold breeze her eyes was closed Suddenly She started Singing A long rhythm

She wiped her tears He always liked my singing specially when i sung for him.....And Now he hated ......He is going...
Away from Me i what destiny want from us
Wherever we came close destiny came in between and tore us apart,,,No No us only me whenever i got happiness its only for short time Her thoughts broke by deep intense voice
" Ms Sharma  please close the Door i am leaving "....
She run back from balcony and stopped in front on the Door....His hand on Knob of the door She doest know what to say what to do How to Stop him How .....
She grabbed his other hand..he turned his face still his one hand on knob and one in priya's hand He felt grip on this hand became more tight And He looked at her She is Crying Even her sobbing voice is musical and then he heard the most beautiful voice again She started singing song....again For him
Kuch pal toh tehar jao na
Ya phir laut ke aao na
Yoon kehte nahi alvida
Mudd jao idhar aao na
She hugged him tight his hands still in air He didn't her hug back
She is sobbing,,sobbing hard in his chest She looked up to him but her vision is blurred due to tears and She realized he is just standing there No hug back from him
"Tumhe dhundhe meri ankhen

Tumhe khoje meri baahein "
Getting No response from him She about to move back but She felt sudden movement on her back and He encircled her in his bear hug He too start crying
While Crying He said Please Dont Stop Continue Singing i want to just listen all night all day just want to listen you...your

She Hugged him tight again and whispers song in his ears
Tum bin jiya jaaye kaise
Kaise jiya jaaye tum bin

Tum bin jiya jaaye kaise
Kaise jiya jaaye tum bin

Will You Marry me 

Say Something My knees are Hurting 

I Cant Marry You


 She said NO to You Ram NO........And  whats the reason behind that Did you asked her...

YES........She said She wanted to  ..............Not Person like me....

To be Contined 


Dhristi said...

Nice prologue now waiting for part 1

Unknown said...

Best part describe aman. Waiting for next.

Unknown said...

intrsting plge...updt soon...

Unknown said...

It was interesting prologue it's clear that the woman is in very much in love with Ram but wat are the reasons that he has been rejected by her.

And all the best for your new website but please dear continue your this story and previous one's too,

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