Sunday, 10 April 2016

RAYA SS : Fated to Love Part 2


1st Year September 2010


"Hi Errrrr Do you know where is Lalit ??? Actually His Phone is not in range and I have to leave for College Don’t know where he is; he also woke up in 4am in morning, he was not in Flat  " Ram said in one breath on phone to shikha...

Shikha  on other side : You just Keep keys of flat below the Door mat  when he will come I’ll tell him about the keys

Ram : Hmmmm okay but do you know where is he actually I am lil worried he disappeared in the middle of night and still not back I hope he is fine.

Sikha : yes he is fine he called me about an hour ago He is sleeping on his friend's Flat.

Ram : Ohh okay thanks for information bye.

Sikha : bye

and hang up the call

@Sikha's Flat :

"Ram"  ?????? lalit asked her as he grabbed his tshirt and left for washroom.

Yes !!! Now he will disturb us daily in the middle of our love making Sikha said in a bit annoyed voice.

"Don’t get hyper on silly things he was just worried And if I was at his place I’ll worry too and he is always worried for me and you wanna know why I want to live with him because he’ll keep me busy in studies which I really want I am failed in my last semester and I  have backlog in my this semester  too Papa was screaming like hell when I told him my result and you know Ram was only one who saved me that time " lalit said in loud voice from washroom.

" I am also worried for your  studies but tell me one thing why Ram is one year behind you " Sikha asked him.

" Ohh he dropped his one year in stupidity  " lalit said and came to room again put on his jeans and left for his Flat.

When lalit came out from Sikha's flat, Ram was locking the door of their flat he just looks at him, embarrassed lalit looks down and walks upto Ram and was about to say something

 Ram put his hand on his shoulder and patted and said " i am already late bye" said this he left.


Teacher : Today I’ll announce the 1st week test result but before that Ram Kapoor please stand up

Ram : yes Ma'am

Teacher : where were you ???? you just came 10 days in August and In this month you just attended physics lecture do you want me to call your parents and tell them about your attendance 

Ram embarrassed No Ma'am actually My roommate's result came out and he failed in 5 subjects he was in depression

Teacher cuts him between and says: so you were consoling him good and now if you don’t come to college he will console you Good You both Roommates are Made for each other, teacher cracked a joke on Ram and whole class started laughing  Ram looked down

A peon interrupted : Ma'am this week’s result

Teacher: oh thank you and Ram sit down next time I don’t want any excuse  Actually Why don’t we first see your result what say

Ram's head up his teacher is evil after so much insult she still wanted to make fun of him She opened List of subjects and said

So in BME (Basic Mechanical engineering) you have scored she looked at him corrected her specs looked down at list and looked at him again and  saw a mischief smile on his face you have scored 49 out of 50

whole class gasped hearing this and started whispering in each other ears Ram's eyes quickly scanned the girl's area but he knows Priya has not come today her spot is vacant.

Next teacher Told him his all subjects number which is total 240 out of 250 and he is second toppers of his class

His friends Congratulated to him

1 month Later

Ram and Lalit's Flat

Shikha : Baby i am back from Home when i heard you have high fever

Lalit : yes Ram was with me all the time he cared so much he even skipped 10 days of his college for me really thankful to him

Shikha : I also skipped so many times you didn’t thank me even once and Ram Ram Ram i hate him Why he always comes between us you know what he was telling me that I should Knock before entering in this Damn flat of yours.

Lalit : Listen he doesn’t know about our relationship you told me not to tell him that we are GF-BF Now what he is supposed to think when I was coming out from your flat at 5am in morning  and when we were in Washroom together still he didn’t ask a single thing he just said that You should knock before coming  in this flat what’s wrong in that ???? Lalit shouted on Shikha

Shikha : what The F**K you’re supposed to take my side not his and I always came without knocking and i ll always come without knocking if Ram has any problem he can leave your  Flat anytime.

They were disturbed by a knock at the door

Lalit : who is it ???

Shikha : who else Your Friend "Ram " and byee

Lalit opened the door and Ram greeted both of them but Shikha left without saying anything

Ram looked at Lalit He looked down

Ram : I will go college tomorrow I am already so behind in course, your fever is also in control  and Now Shikha is here to care of you  He left without even hearing his answer

 Next Day


Teacher : where were you from last 20 days ???

Ram : My roommate had fever I was with him

Teacher Slapped her forehead and muttered impossible !!!!! and added  I granted you leave last time because you did very well in Test and This time you didn’t even ask me for leave and disappeared for 20 days

Are you mad Ram kapoor ??? She shouted on her high pitch

Ram looked here and there ....Ma'am I am.....He searched words but ....

Teacher cut him off in between "No If or But sit down and give this last test of the Month you already skipped this month test .....

She distributed papers to everyone and gave glares to Ram .....

Ram again glanced around and everyone laughed on him

Next Day @College

Teacher : So result came and this time Priya Sharma topped in 5 subjects only, in my Subject (physics) none other than she is beaten by The person who gave only one exam and got full marks I was very shocked when I checked his answer sheet and he is

"Ram kapoor"

Everyone shocked including priya she thinks" he didn’t even attend any lecture of Physics whole month and he got full marks what would have happened if he gave other subject's test would he have topped in that too"

Teacher’s voice broke her chain of thoughts: So Ram tell me How did you do this???

Ram scratched his temple and answered back " Ma'am and everyone in the class I am so sorry for not attending classes of last month I was so busy to take care of my Roommate he was ill and doctor told me to take good care of him but in the time of span in which he slept I  actually studied according to the course and I kept record how much course is complete in the class so I did one chapter ahead from class so this is how I topped in physics "he said and all student stand on their feet and  class filled with applause.

He blushed and looked down


An hour later in Free Lecture

"Ram" as soft voice called him from behind.

He turned around and saw Priya standing with her friend Khusbu (2nd topper)

"Yes" He said while standing on his feet from bench

I was also ill  so I have skipped two classes of physics can you please give me your notes so I’ll copy I promise I’ll return before the off of classes" Priya said in one breath

Ram was about to tell "its ok you can keep" instead he heard Akshay's voice from Behind

Priya i have scan all those notes from the class you missed  sent you all in a mail  you can copy them whenever you want or else print them he said and put his arms on Khusbu's shoulder "Hey Moti (fat) how are you???

Khusbu shrugged his hands and looked at Priya " see your problem solved Now lets go I am hungry"

Priya looked at Akshay " thanks Akshay you are savvier and she turned and about to go and again she turned and said " Ram thank you, you too " said this she left and Ram looked at Akshay with murderous eyes and akshay is like "what did i do"

The Day and four Month Passed like this

Ram and Priya just know each other by name nothing else Priya's friendship with Akshay is getting strong Day by Day

Ram and Akshay's friendship also getting stronger day by Day

On the Flat Shikha's tantrums over Ram has No limits She even Abused Lalit in front of his College's friend Sometime Ram tried to talked about this to Lalit but He refused and Said " Shikha is still immature she’ll understand with Time"

It’s Time for Exam and Just the Way Mayank Said there is No One Between Ram and Priya in the examation hall, they had consecutive seats.

@Exam Hall

"God God please help me today   " Ram heard Priya talking to god lol her eyes is closed and her hands Folded in front of her

Next he feels someone's Hand on his shoulder he turned around on his seat and saw Priya's Hand on his shoulder "Yes" He said composed himself and She took her hand back

"I have not studied Last Chapter please help me in that chapter I have noticed you ,you have excellent  command on last chapter and she suddenly kept quiet" Ram looked at her with blank expression and She showed him via her eyebrows that turned around And when he turned around He saw Physics teacher was standing there " You want to go out without writing anything ???"

Ram said " no...err Sorry"

"First and Last Warning " said this she put exam paper on his seat and left for next

 2 hours later

" Ram please help me " Ram heard priya's whisper

"I am still on 3rd Chapter wait half an hour"  Ram replied in same low tone which is audible for two of them only

Half an hour Later

Ram just side lil bit left on his seat so priya could see his answer sheet

Priya started copying last chapter and in 10 minutes she copied that answer

After the Exam

"Thanks Ram " Priya said while walking past from Ram and Akshay

" you are most welcome" he said and She just disappeared with her friends

Akshay who was watching Ram with great interest asked him " Dude why are you smiling ???"

Ram alarmed, looked at him " Me Smiling No yaar "

Akshay not satisfied with his answer " Dont tell me Love Shove ho gaya (love happened)"

Ram taken back by akshay's frankness and replied with fake laughter " Love ......this is least thing in my list of Do's and Dont's"

Akshay again Ohhh you mean you are single No Girlfriend ???

Ram "No"

"So that mean you are trying On Priya but let me tell you   She is cracker and she keeps one Lathh (lathh is hindi name of Wooden stick or rod ) in her Bag...Askhay said with mischief in his eyes

Ram's eyes popped up like saucer " Lathh you mean Stick ??? but Why

"Because If Someone try to flirt or get close to her That time She ll use that Stick" Akshay said with small laugh

" Ohh" that was Ram's reaction

Akshay continued " Do you Know how she will use it on you if you try to hit on her ???"

"How" Ram replied

" She ll put that Stick in your ASS" Akshay said and looked at Ram

Ram looked at Akshay And both fell on Floor laughing loud

The day now came to end Akshay Ram already climbed to bus and slept on their respective window seats yes both want window seat and they daily slept because of tiredness

Priya climbed to bus and look around No seats vacant in girl area she can't stand for more than 40 minutes her stop is 40 mintues away What to do She looks around and founds vacant seat on Ram's left side She hesitantly walked to his seat and slowly slips on the seat  


Anonymous said...

Very nice part
Finally u updated
Suggestion:pls keep small preview of previous part

Dhristi said...

Awesome part loved it

Unknown said...

Other than knowing name of each other RaYa has a descent convo. May be Ram like Priya but still they are not friends. But this Shikha has lots of problem with him and provoking Lalit too against him.

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