The case was being held at court 13, the oldest and largest court in the High Court complex.The vestiges of the colonial High Court continue to characterize the premises till date. In a rare tradition which is today a distinction, Judges of the Madras High Court are still led by orderlies who bear a ceremonial mace made of silver.
This is a practice so old and Anglican that most High Courts and even the Supreme Court of India have either not had the practice at all or have abandoned it long back.But tradition somehow bought the severity to the proceedings of the day. We sat on the first row of vistors gallery. The press occupied the rest of the rows of seating. Camera/video were banned from the court. The registar of the court himself was present looking after the security and displine of the court . Mr Narayanan and Piyush sat at prosecution table. The defense table was still unoccupied. And so also the culprit ... rajath had not yet turned up. He was on bail, as I knew he will come... I have not seen after that night. I really don’t know how I will react . I could feel the fear slowly raising its ugly head trying its best overpower me. But I know I have to win this battle with my fear .
The court stood has the orderly hushered in the judge Mrs Dharini Satyanaryanan , senior most judge in the Madras high court . Piyush had told me when we came to know she was judge assigned. this was a good sign. Mrs Dharini Satyanaryanan was considered the most honest and straightforward judge. And a lady who suffered no fools . Judge Dharini was only about 50 years one of the youngest judge in the Madras high court . Even though the youngest , she was concerened one of the best judges .So our chance of getting a fair trial without any undue influence was very high.
Ram was sitting standing next to me holding my hand. His presence made bought a sense of calm, shooed away my panics and anxiety which were plagueing my mind.
Suddenly I felt my senses alerted me, a strange sensation gripped me ,somebody was staring at me , I turned around Saw Rajath had come in and was looking at me.
Suddenly felt priya freeze next to me , her hands were shivering , she was cold as ice. I looked down at her , She was staring at something at the other side of the court . I looked at what she was looking ... It was Rajath . Rajath had come .I called her softly, Priya , Priya , turn please...
She didn’t .. I Turned her face , she had gone ashen, her face was drained out of its blood, her whole body was shivering.She was slowly rockingher body , her eyes were unfocused but were searching or look for something ..I realised she was reliving her nightmare . I Shook her , Priya I called again please ..... I couldntshout as the judge was assuming her place... went close to her hear as possible and murmured as loudly as possible.. Priya /!!!!!... Please ... Dont !! Dont not now... No response . My Desparation reached its heights .... Priya please I need you ,,,, look at me . forced her to look at me . Please I said once again shaking her .
She blinked her eyes once, focused her eye at me, tears were now floating in her eyes.
Ram she called beseechingly,
No , Noting to worry, Please I am there please be strong , He cant do anything anymore . I will never allow him . Please Priya Be strong .. I need you to be strong , don’t let him get to you . Nothing is going to happen. Iam there vikram is there ,,, don’t be afraid please .Everthing will be alright . Please trust me .. I love you. Please priya.. don’t do this yourself . I need you priya ....
She took a deep breath , trying to calm herself, wiping her tears . Shruthi came forward, She looked at priya said please . close you eyes bring out that anger you felt of Rajath , anger which you felt yesterday and the anger you felt today when you came to know about the child who is being held by him. Get the anger out Priya ... You need that anger today It is Rajath’s time to face his sins.... We need anger.. priya ... not fear .
There was a change Priya posture , she stood straight , she stood suddenly taller looked straight ahead at the judge.
I lookedat shruthi... Shruthi Nodded her head saying it is okay she is okay .
Court sat down , so did we . Priya also sat down , Gripping my hand . I looked at again , face got back some colour ,there was fierce determination etched on her face. I glad the phase of fear had passed. I just held her hand hoping it never would return .
Defence had settled down, a handcuffed Kali had come in with the constables.
The Judge , ordered the court to order, said she wanted to address the court before court proceedings start.
“”” I want to make two things clear before we start the proceedings .
1. This case of sexual harassment /assulat of a lady, so let us keep things very decent , I wont allow any disrespect shown towards the victim, at no point of time the lawyers of court will cross the border of decency .
2. The lawyers will employ professional ethics at the utmost level , and maintain the decorum of the court , If in any case I see or feel there is any transgression .. i will personally see to it that the lawyer no longer practice in these corridors of law.
3. Time,I would like set precit in this case.. I want to finish of this case as fast possible within minimum mental disturbance to the victim , no point of the time will legal addressors will employ any gimmicks to drag the case beyond accepted time limit.
Is that understodd??? She looked at both set of lawyers.. to see if the recived her point . Both set lawyers got up to acknoweledge the judges statement ‘
Now Proceed !!!
Good to See y0u Mr Piyush in this court ... heard lot about you
Prosecution please put forth your case !!
Piyush stood, Thank you Madam judge!
Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity committed against a woman's will. Whether the rapist uses force or threats of force is irrelevant. Men use different kinds of force against women, from pressuring us for a goodnight kiss to withdrawing economic support from wives to using weapons. . Sexual assault is always traumatic. When we are raped, survival is our primary instinct, and we protect ourselves as best we can. Some women choose to fight back; others do not feel they can.
The reality of sexual assault and rape is heartbreaking, and the stress on the victims of these attacks, and their families and communities, are devastating and long lasting. One in fours girls, and one in six boys, will be sexually assaulted before their eighteenth birthday. A sexual assault, by definition, is any sexual or indecent action taken against another person accompanied by physical force or the threat thereof. On the other hand, a rape is defined as the act of any forced sexual intercourse against another person.Effects of a sexual assault are not only physical, but mental, and my Client here as been subject to such a assault . Here the there was clear attempt of rape .. .. We would like to appeal under India Pennal code Sec 509 of outrage of modesty , Sec 375 attempt to rape , Section 354- Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty, Section 357 Assault or criminal force in attempt wrongfully to confine a person, Section 359, Kidnapping and I]:307. Attempt to murder
This case of Sexual assault against Mr Kali .. for assulating my client Mrs Priya Ram Kapoor sexual against her will,and assaulting her physically to the extent of almost killing my client. We would provided enough evidence at this court that Mrs Priya Ram kapoor was assaulted with clear intention of rape. But the point we would like to high light here that Mr kali though present at premises was actually not the e person who assaulted Mrs Priya Ram Kapoor ,,, but it is Mr Rajath Kapur who is main accused .
For the last 4 months in the court of law we produced enough witness that to prove that Mrs Ram kapoor as been sexually assaulted . We have filed Mr Kapoor who was also witness and who was present at the Farm that day who was first to see the victim and who was one reported to the police we all also subimitted that enough material evidence , the police evidence and the medical evidence that Mrs Priya Ram Kapoor was assulated that the day at the farm . Today We have would like present the evidence of Mrs priya Ram Kapoor the victim has our final witness to prove that it was Mr Rajath Kapur who was actually assulated her not Kali. Mr Kali here as surrendered himself to save Mr Rajath. It is clear case of cover up your honour .
Judge ... looked at priya ... asked Mrs Kapor are you ready to provide the evidence today at the court . I hope you are under no duress will giving this evidence madam.
Priya got up from the seat and answered No madam , I willing to give the evidence .
Okay Please get into the witness box, and tell us what happened
The time of test of strength had started , I needed Priya to give the evidence ... I know she can ,,, but ... No No .. she will do it ..
Priya slowly walked across to the witness box.
Piyush came closer, slowly started asking about what happened from time she as picked up at Varnasi .
My Concentation was fully on how priya was giving out her evidence.. I knew she would want my support , she kept looking at me every know then for support . I never let my eyes waver from her ... Slowly she started relating her story of pain
I looked Piyush examination was getting over, he was going to handover his priya for cross examination by the defense.. This very crucial part was starting ...
The defence lawyer slowly got up,,
Thank you for relating your nightmarish experience Mrs Kapoor. I am sure you went through lot of mental stress. I really commend you strength and your bravery to stand up today and relive this. Really goodMrs Kapoor
But Mrs Kapoor I have some doubts .... can you please clarify it for me please
Mrs Kapoor your medical report after the incident , here... with me gave me the report saying that there was penetration thru any of your orifaces.. is true
Yes.. I also
• Right Right .. just asking .. So nobody actually raped you then .. because you know what Mrs Kapoor e rape is defined in terms of penetration, with the use of force, and without the person's consent. Penetration can be done...
I know sir ... It didnot happen that way
So your are saying that penetration didnot happen ? then please tell Mrs Kapoor How can this be construted as rape.
Sir I explained to you ,, How Rajath did it sir ?
Yes Madam you explained..... But there was NO RAPE madam!!!
But I priya tired in vain
Piyush intercepted .: Your Honour we have clearly submitted evidence that our victim here was assaulted and attempted rape , she was stripped of her clothing , assulated with whip all over body .. the evidence of all the abuses were clearly mentioned in Medical report ..
Defence lawayer.. YesYes Mr Piyush I am not denying it ,,, But I was just getting cleared is whether Mrs Kapoor was raped or not period. So Can I proceed ....
Okay Mrs Kapoor with respect to my next question, when you left from varnasi you said that your were repeatedly hit .. you were hit so many times you lost consiciousness.. couple time is it true..
Yes sir
So do you know How you reached the farm house ?
No sir I didn’t know where I was till Ram told me about it much later
So you had idea how you reached Farm house in Panvel from Varanasi.
No sir
This Medical report .... shows one more thing... There was High Dosage of drugs in your blood .... your blood contained very High dosage amphetamine, methamphetamine, ethylenedioxymethamphetamine, (MDMA, ecstasy), cannabis, cocaine, opiates,LSD, and -hydroxybutyate (GHB).......... in simple lay man terms DRUGS... the people who had picked you up drugged you.. Mrs Kapoor. Gave you a lethal dosage of this deadly cockatil/.... It is suprise you are still alive.. anyother person would have been dead due to drug overdose.. So Iam not surprised that you didn’t know where you were.
So I totally agree with you
But You have to agree with me also.. you also did not have any idea who assulated you .. you definitely had no idea with so much drugs pumped into you can never be sure it was Rajath. Or any body else who did that you...
No way Mrs Kapoor...’
Priya who was nodding her denying it said But I know I saw him ... Sir .. I really did
Defence lawyer No you cannot be certain
Piyush intercepted.. But Mrs Kapoor identified Mr Kapoor when he came in .. The Police saw her calling out For Mr Kapoor when they were putting her in the ambulance.. So if she recongnised Mr kapoor why would she not reccongnise Mr Rajath
Defence lawyer .. Your honour.. this can be clear case of hallucination... we can never be sure... it was a coincindence that MR Kapoor was there..... Mrs kapoor called his name.. For that matter she may have seen Mr Rajath afterall he was also there , and Infact Mrs Kapoor Hit him when he went with Mr Kapoor to the room
So it is very possible .. beccuase of the drugs in her body she was confused and she thought Mr Rajath Kapur actually hurting her... The level of drugs in her blood makes it very clear that Mrs Kapoor was not conscious enough to know her assailant
And further Mr Kapoor did not see Mr Rajath abusing her... He was merely present at place.. afterall it was his house
Piyush what about the gun found...
Defence lawyer It was Mr Rajath personal gun .. he has the licenseto it and moreover no bullets were fired.. he always carried it for personal safety ......
And Your honour there was no evidence found in the room that linked the Mr Rajath to the incident of sexually assault... So your honour I request you to please realease my client .. he just innocent bystander.. it unfortunate this happended in his house by the person who is employed by him.. That is all is Mr kapur relationship with the whole incident nothing else
My client is from a decent family who has been model husaband , son and a father .. His social status .. and family breeding are impeccable. He has a very respectable image in the society so.. madam.. It is my humble request to release him.... I fear he has been wrongly accused because of that my clients image has gone through considerable damage, his wife here has faced so many insults in the public... but today she is here because she loves her husband and belive me your honour nobody in their right mind would support a rapist not even his wife .. and belive me your honour MR Rajath Kapur is not a rapist .. but a innocent man
He just was at wrong time at a wrong place, and moreover your honour the real culprit has surrendered himself and confessed his crimes.. it is very unfair for my client Mr Rajath to be looked at as criminal.
Mr jagdish ... the defence .. do you have anything to say as defense for Mr Kali the main accused
Madam all we can plead for him is give him a Life imprisonment insteadof death, inconsideration to his age ... as he is already 65 years old .. That’s all now
Mr Jagdish do you want to continue examining the client Mrs Kapoor or can we dismiss her
Yes honour ,, I have finished my examination .. I have nothing else to add
Thank you Mrs Kapoor .. you can get back too your seat .
The prosecution do you have any more witness or examination..
Yes madam we would like to cross examine two more witness... We are waiting for confirmation from one witness the witness has not yet come your honour ..
What are saying Mr piyush.. your witness has not turned up yet ?? when is he going to turn up when the judgement comes... Oh come on Mr Piyush .. I didn’t expect this from you .. a senior experience lawyer like you...
No Madam ,, This witness’s life is in danger madam. That is why we are unable reveal the name out in the court .. I request special permission for a private audience with your honour to reveal it to you.. madam can you grant me that madam
Sure .. if the opposition has no objection I can give you ... but Mr piyush beware this witness has to be here by the end of the session there will be no extention of the date is that understood ...
I was preplexed to see what Piyush was doing ???.. what was his agenda... who is this witness.. I know who one was who is the other???
Vikram slided in close to me, and whispered that Aryan was safe now .. i looked for minute distracted as ked what ? please ram continue looking priya .... just listen to what I haveto say .. Rajath shouldn’t know.. The Dc has taken the Ranjath goons in custody and confiscated their phones. They were holding child in the Old light house in court complex.
Light house? ..
It seems there was light house built century ago to navigate ship , which was destroyed during 1st World war when german ship destroyed it . The old lighthouse of the city is housed within the High Court campus, but is unfortunately poorly maintained and is in disrepair. That is where he was held.
How is the child ? he is fine
How are we going to convey this to Nina ... she has to know?? Right ...
By the way is Nina here in the court I didn’t see her
Vik : She is here.. sitting in the last bench of the court with her the two goons, We have to let her know without Rajath or the goons sitting next to her know.
Hmm so how are we going to do it ?//
Does piyush know about it yes I have informed him , he said he will handle it
So the next witness is Nina is it ..?
Yes Ram it is Nina
Now what ?
Nothing it is all in Piyush’s hands and how he handles the rest .
Priya came back to the seat
Oh god.. my evidence .. Ram whatare we going to do..
Priya please listen !! it is not over yet .. Wait ... please trust me
But ram
Nothing Priya ... just wait ,,, the match is not over till the last ball is bowled
We have more than one ball .. so don’t worry ..Just hang on ...
I didn’t tell her about Aryan.. I felt guilty about it because she was still emotional strung any reaction from her would be easily noted by rajath .. we need the element of surprise to win this game now !!!
Court had be given 2 minutes break... Piyush was talking to the judge ,.. The defence lawyer.. said he was okay about the new witness
Piyush got back ... signalled an okay
Thank you my honour for the privilege
Now My honour I would like to examine the next witness Dr Mehra
Dr mehra.. is mr rajath kapoor’s mother’s dr .. he is not relevant to the case
Piyush countered there is a connection,, which i would like to highlight here which would put more light on the case
But your honour Mr Jagdish the defence protested
Mr Jagdish .. I am giving MR piyush a benefit of doubt .. i would entertain this witness.. if i find this irrelevant I would dismiss him , without further adue I would also penalise Mr Piyush for wasting the valuable time of the court
So Mr Piyush please continue !!!..
Dr Mehra wearing his usual white and white and gold jewellery that even put Bappi da to shame .. he looked more like a Jewellery mannequin.. He came forward to stand in witness stand. He was sitting behind , he shook Rajath’s hand before coming to the the witness stand
Sir I just wanted confirm something ... when Mrs Sheela .. was serious .. you were called to treat her what were syptoms Mr Mehra
She had uneven pulse rate , blood pressure was abnormally high
She was sweaty
Complained of chest pain
Had nausea, and she was vomiting,. She was Vomiting blood,
It was clearly case of acute myocardial infarction or Heart attack
So you were sure. Is it
Did you treat Mrs Sheela before?
No ... Sir.
So this was the first time is it ..
Did you go through her history before treating her...?
No I didn’t have the time... i had to administrate the medication to arrest the symptoms I administrated nitroglycerin. It is a potent vasodilator that makes more oxygen available to the heart muscle. Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers act to decrease the heart's workload
But it was no use .. I couldn’t save her
Oh I see.. were did you get your degree?
Mr Piyush .. what kind of question is that ... Please refrain from questioning my knowledge
Sorry Dr Mehra ...
Okay Dr Mehra .. d o you know this Mr ... Mehra sorry Dr Mehra .
· Problems with vital signs (temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure) are possible and can be life threatening. Vital sign values can be increased, decreased, or completely absent.
· Skin can be cool and sweaty, or hot and dry.
· Chest pain is possible and can be caused by heart or lung damage. Shortness of breath may occur. Breathing may get rapid, slow, deep, or shallow.
· Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are possible. Vomiting blood, are all symptoms of drug overdose also
Yes .. There are lot disease which have same symptoms Mr Piyush .. for example acidity is often misunderstood as angina sir .. It is the Dr experience .. and knowledge which help him to distinguish between the diseases
But do you know that Mrs sheela had a drug problem sir ?
Yes Mr Rajath told .. bbut he also told me she over it long back
So belived him even
Yes, I did
Do you more one more thing sir Mrs Sheela medical report showed something .... amphetamine, methamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine , (MDMA, ecstasy), cannabis, cocaine, opiates, LSD, and -hydroxybutyate (GHB) in her urine ..... which failed to report ... sir..
What ?
Sir Dr Mehra... this is small test report which we got from a clinic which tested Mrs sheela a day before she died which was totally missing .. from her medical records sir
I looked at Kali .. there was slight harding of muscles near his neck.. he was controlling himself . I mentally congratulated Piyush for goading Kali .
Yes .. isn’t so funny that this was the same deadly cocktail that was given to Mrs Ram kapoor ... .......
You tell me Mr Mehra sorry Dr mehra .... what happen to this drug abused victim if she is given this overdose.....she dies na ??//
So somebody did give Mrs Sheela this cocktail... for her to die... and you failed to recongnise as Dr or can we say asked to ignore the basic symptoms of drug overdose
Till now the cool dr was sweating ...
That all dr ... You can go now. As the dr walked by ..
Mr Jagdish .stood up . I object your lord I would like to state this report is a false report .. this report was bought in to confuse the case .. as this no way linked to this present case
How so sir Piyush asked... there is to many commonalities here .. there this drug cockatil and there is Mr rajath but no kali.... because Mr kali was not present when Mrs Sheela died he had gone to delhi on request of Mr Dinath accompanying MRs Nina and her son to poona.. The for some inugaration.. the passenger manifestation has been submitted your hnour for reference... So this time kali caanot take the blame for the death of sheela
Kali .. eyes looked at Rajath with a hatered.. Rajath was turning red with anger .. madness was sweeping in his eyes I saw that.
My honour I would like to bring in my last witness of the day... MRS NINA KAPUR
Rajath was stunned.. he didn’t except Nina would be called he went close to Nina murmured something most possibly threathing her with Aryan life.. but
Nina slowly stood up .. walked across.stood in the witness stand after taking oath
Mrs Nina, Thank you for coming in madam... I just wanted to tell you that you have nothing to fear .. you life is safe and the life of your loved is also safe ..She was stunned for minute looked up at Me .. waiting for assurance.. Priya also looked at me.. I nodded my head.
There was tears of relief running down her cheek .Can you now please share with us what you know..Piyush questioned her softly
Rajath .. hand banged the chair ... he was furiously talking to Mr Jagdish .
The Judge.. Mr Rajath please sit down ... right now.. Mr Jagdish please control your client other wise I would be ordering him to the court lock up.
Jagdish made Rajath sit down... but anger in Rajath face was clearly visible. He did sit but ... he put his hand into pocket.. I didn’t know what it was but I knew He was planning something . I stood up
Please go ahead Mrs Nina... there is nothing to fear . said the Judge
Madam .. Rajath is a monster .. he made me come here to the court because he was afraid that what I might tell someone about things I discovered about his truth ..... by threathing kill my son,,, he kidnapped his own son / his child. He is capable of anything .. .madam anything .... he
Before she could continue .. Rajath pushed his way through pointing a plastic gun.. at Nina
I expected this started running at exact ,moment rajath pointed his gun towards Nina... he pulled the tigger .. I jumped in line of the bullet ... to push Nina down .. there was a shooting pain which i felt in my arm I heard Priya scream loudly .. I fell down breaking the wooden railings of the witness box.. nina fell backward on the policeman standing behind her.
Before I got up to see Rajath aiming shoot the second shot.... this time It was at priya..... O h god.. What did I do left priya unprotected .. then I saw Priya crumbling down ....
There were more shots ... nothing registered other that priya falling down
I got Up and ran.... Priya i kept screaming ....
Vikram was already at Priya’s side.
Rage filled me .. I turned to look at Rajath He was struggling for his breath.. Kali was strangling him with is gigantic arms ... police was shooting at him ... but the bullets failed to loosen Kali’s hold..he continued to strangle Rajath.. till rajath eyes poped out his head drooped.. then kali let rajath now a dead bodyfall down by freeing his hands.. kali then stood still for sec then fell down lifelessly ...
I reached where priya had fallen ... i tired to wake her , there was blood all over her saree she wore, I couldn’t see her wound but to my relief ,, she was breathing .. I screamed for help. Vikram tired toclam me down Shruthi tired to say something .. But I couldn’t / wouldn’t listen.. I wanted the dr ... Iwanted the to save my priya.. I promised her that Rajath wouldn’t hurt.. I will always protect her .. How could do this..? I let him hurt my priya... I kept checking for her pulses .. every time I heard it I sighed the sigh of relief .. that she was alive.. I don’t know what I do if something happens to her.. the fear made me scream more help.. shruthi shouted at me .. to clam shook me ... , I was far beyond hearing .. I only wanted to hear priya’s voice ..
Police was clearing off the area press was sent out lawyers sent out , Judge escorted for safety pupose to her room. Nothing reigtered but priya lying here unconscious.
Piyush bought in the paramedica. I and Vilram accompanied priya in the ambulance... Vikram was trying to talk to me.. But I was not listening to him ,, my fear/ my guilt that let something happened to priya was not allowing me to hear a single detail he was telling me.
Wee reached the hospital , I did not know which was it , Priya was wheeled into Emergency room .. I wanted to join in but the dr’s didnot allow me to join in. The dr instead took me to another room, they wanted to treat my arm... I did not want any treatment .. i was not bothered about my treatment but priya’s.. I wanted her alive..
Vikram Shruthi and Piyush held me, from going out of this room. The said something to the dr.. The Dr with the help of wardboys held me down .. inserted something into arm.. Nothing registration but need to see priya
I mouth felt cottony, my speech slurred.. My eyes dropped,,, i wanted to stay awake.. but couldn’t I closed my eye for minute....
I got up .... I was little disoriented ... room seems to sway .. and dance.. the bright light hurt me !!,, it was so bright I couldn’t see ... Then i saw Priya !! so beautiful in white, her smile her eyes... she had left her hair open...lookinglike an angel.She told me something I coulnt understand, ... something about going !!No Dont go I wanted to say ... but couldn’t my voice wouldn’t come out she came closer tapped by hand .. now there was tears in her eyes and she was saying goodbye.. No don’t go don’t leave I wanted to say but .. she just noded her head no she said my time is up ,I have to leave now.. I will come back when you call me.. I will always be there with you she said .. very soon you will be with me .. no I wanted to scream , I wanted to hold her to me.. she cant leave me.. I need her . but suddenly I felt a prick... my eyes dropped .. I went back to sleep.. last thing knew when i went to sleep is that that i should never wake up.... But I woke up ...
I was in a room, A white room .. .. It looked like Hospital room the sun was sweeping in .. the rays hurt my eyes .. I closed it .. tears clogged my eyes .. I knew my life was over.. I lost my only chance of happiness.. it was all over... i wish I could go back to sleep and never get up !!!!.. Priya oh god !! where are you?/
Vikram came near .. Ram are you awake ?? are you okay he asked
I didn’t want to answer.. What should I say That I am alive and my priya is dead .. no I cant think of being alive .. why did god do this too me.. i could feel the the trickle of tears running down my cheek , pain .in my heart was unbearable.. there was nothing left to say.. i lost my soul!!!
Are you in pain ???? is your arm hurting
Dammit .. my heart is hurting .. he was asking about my arm.. I would give away ten arms if only I could get back my priya!!!
Priya I said my voice croacked with pain in myheart
Ram.. Please yaar she is not here .. but ..
No I screamed I want my priya
Yaar ram .. just relax yaar .. Priya will be here..
Nahi .. She is gone right ??
Yes vikram but she will
No .. She can’t come back how can she
Aare yaar what are saying priya is here .. she just ??
She just what ... ?? She gone forever now... I can never get her back. Why did i not die with her ...
Kya baak raha hai yaar ?? what the hell are you saying ?
Vikram .. I know .. just leave me .. alone .. I want to be alone in my pain just go vikram ..
Ram !!! Vikram tired once again
Nahi .. just leave..
Pagal math ban just listen to me once let me tell you something .. please yaar ?
No i don’t want listen to anybody .... just leave
I closed my eyes .. i didn’t want to see him!!!
Oh god what am I going to do with you ?? Vikram said
Then voice , said !! what happened vikram ??
That ... That was priya’s voice!!! How can that be . she was dead.. Oh god I am hearing her voice.. but why is she calling vikram.. I am the one who is calling for her
I opened my eyes..
There she was standing in a peacook blue churidhar, holding a bag , forehead was marred with lines of worry there was faint black shadow below her eyes like she didn’t sleep for many days .. she looked tired .. but she looked ravishing ... she looked beautiful.. but for me she looked beautiful even in a sack... she was alive !! My priya was alive
First realisation .. dawned.. she didn’t die.. but
What happened vikram? She asked moving towards me . she came near me sat on the chair next to the bed . She touched my hand. I could smell her fragrance ,, that so unique her
She touched my hand.. she was warm , I felt her ... no it was not a dream she was alive
I stared at her... I tired to form words .. once again words desserted me this time because of joy . I slowly took hold of her and lifted it like delicate flower... bought it to my lips and I kissed it ... Thank God she was alive
Why didn’t you tell me I pounced angrily at vikram.. why did you do this
What he asked confused
You told me priya was dead
What when did i tell you that .. vikram asked more confused
Now!! Just now when i asked about priya
Yeah .. I said she has gone and will be back.. oohh god you thought she was dead.. why would you think that
.. Priya now stepped in .. what you thought i was dead.. but you talked to me yesterday !!
When.. did i talk to you i asked
Yesterday .. you even told me not to go... but i told I cant stay in ICu I will be waiting outside .. and when you call I will be come in and meet you
But that .. i thought i was talking to the ghost!!!
What ?? ghost .. priya looked angry for a minute then started laughing
Vikram joined her
Hey why are you guys laughing .. i asked still confused
Arey yaar Vikram trying to control his laughter.. tubhi
Abbey !!! chup kar... .. but I said i saw rajath shooting at priya and priya falling. There was so much of blood
Rajath tired to shoot priya but the bullet didn’t hit her,, she fainted seeing geeting shot .. she thought you were hit by the bullet and died,,, because she feel at the right time the bullet didn’t hit.. and rajath didn’t get the second chance ... Kali killed him . Rajath died the same way he killed others poetic justice
Then the blood.. that was your blood that came trickling from your wound.. the bullet had lodged pretty deep inyour arm.. while you were trying to wake up priya it started bleeding heavily due to exherstion you lost quite a lot of blood
Then She was not hurt
No,,, I was not hurt .. she answered she held my hand tightly between her hands . I was almost awake in the ambulance itself . she continued softly her eyesfilled with love.. and infact was so relived to hear your voice calling out to me.. but couldn’t sit up because my head was spinning and I was feeling very Nauseous
But Why didn’t I see that I asked
Shruthi joined in .. that is because you panicked / you were so scared something had happened to priya .. you withdrew from us emotionally . I and vikram tired to tell you but you were so scared so shocked that you refused to listen to us.. and because of the large amout of blood loss.. you were disoriented ...
But ....??
What happened to nina and Aryan ? there are fine
Arey yaar they are all fine.. and best part is that Nina was able give the answer to the last puzzle.. she rightly guessed were the bodies of the other girls Rajath had killed hidden...
Where was it in the panvel farm? he had cemented them in the walls of the house and hung pictures.
Yaar good na, Thank go she is safe.. For a minute I thought It was all over.. When I saw Rajath picked up that gun
But how did he get the gun in ?...
Vikram answered : that was plastic gun.. which was not detected by metal detectors.. and comapartively very small. The police who had checked him had thought it was key chain.. because it had lot of keys hanging nobody knew .... . that is okay allis well that ends well
But I again started
Nothing .. Shruthi said Ram.. Priya is fine na. You are olay . please ram .. just relax!! You have being unconscious for more than 12 hrs.
Vikram then added.. yaar everybody is alright . tum tho hero bangaya yaar.. you saved everybody . Nina and priya at a time.. ek theer me duo nishan.. thu tho super bangaya hai ram !!
Kya Vikram.. !! tum he tho hassi ha rahi.. I almost died when I saw priya falling down..
Vikram .. said . But Ram .. we all told you that she is fine .. use kuch nahi hua .. tum ne mana hi nahi.. Thu tho itna aggressive hogaya ki Hum he tujhe sedative dena pada.. and moreover you were bleeding . we needed to treat you .. and as soon as Priya was okay ,... She came to you.. and talked to you.. aur tu ne use Bhoot samjha .. tho hum kya kare..
Waise bhi tu pehle pati nahi hoga .. jo apne biwi ko bhootni kehene wala..
What Priya.. asked.. Vikram ... don’t tease my husband yaar.. he has just got up !!!..
Haan haan .. okay .. Priya .. your husband. Mana ... but I cant get over the fact that he thought you were bhootni .. said that and started laughing .. Shruthi joined in
And I pouted.. okay okay.. zaada haas math.. jab teri biwi ayagee na tab dekhege, Now leave the room ... Mujhe apni . biwi ke saath akhele rehna hai.. ja haath thu and jaathe jaathe tu is shruthi ko bhi leja.. mujhe koi haadi nahi chayee chaal jha...
Accha.. ha ha ab hum haadi bangayee... chal shruthi .. hum bahar chalthe hain...
The case was being held at court 13, the oldest and largest court in the High Court complex.The vestiges of the colonial High Court continue to characterize the premises till date. In a rare tradition which is today a distinction, Judges of the Madras High Court are still led by orderlies who bear a ceremonial mace made of silver.
This is a practice so old and Anglican that most High Courts and even the Supreme Court of India have either not had the practice at all or have abandoned it long back.But tradition somehow bought the severity to the proceedings of the day. We sat on the first row of vistors gallery. The press occupied the rest of the rows of seating. Camera/video were banned from the court. The registar of the court himself was present looking after the security and displine of the court . Mr Narayanan and Piyush sat at prosecution table. The defense table was still unoccupied. And so also the culprit ... rajath had not yet turned up. He was on bail, as I knew he will come... I have not seen after that night. I really don’t know how I will react . I could feel the fear slowly raising its ugly head trying its best overpower me. But I know I have to win this battle with my fear .
The court stood has the orderly hushered in the judge Mrs Dharini Satyanaryanan , senior most judge in the Madras high court . Piyush had told me when we came to know she was judge assigned. this was a good sign. Mrs Dharini Satyanaryanan was considered the most honest and straightforward judge. And a lady who suffered no fools . Judge Dharini was only about 50 years one of the youngest judge in the Madras high court . Even though the youngest , she was concerened one of the best judges .So our chance of getting a fair trial without any undue influence was very high.
Ram was sitting standing next to me holding my hand. His presence made bought a sense of calm, shooed away my panics and anxiety which were plagueing my mind.
Suddenly I felt my senses alerted me, a strange sensation gripped me ,somebody was staring at me , I turned around Saw Rajath had come in and was looking at me.
Suddenly felt priya freeze next to me , her hands were shivering , she was cold as ice. I looked down at her , She was staring at something at the other side of the court . I looked at what she was looking ... It was Rajath . Rajath had come .I called her softly, Priya , Priya , turn please...
She didn’t .. I Turned her face , she had gone ashen, her face was drained out of its blood, her whole body was shivering.She was slowly rockingher body , her eyes were unfocused but were searching or look for something ..I realised she was reliving her nightmare . I Shook her , Priya I called again please ..... I couldntshout as the judge was assuming her place... went close to her hear as possible and murmured as loudly as possible.. Priya /!!!!!... Please ... Dont !! Dont not now... No response . My Desparation reached its heights .... Priya please I need you ,,,, look at me . forced her to look at me . Please I said once again shaking her .
She blinked her eyes once, focused her eye at me, tears were now floating in her eyes.
Ram she called beseechingly,
No , Noting to worry, Please I am there please be strong , He cant do anything anymore . I will never allow him . Please Priya Be strong .. I need you to be strong , don’t let him get to you . Nothing is going to happen. Iam there vikram is there ,,, don’t be afraid please .Everthing will be alright . Please trust me .. I love you. Please priya.. don’t do this yourself . I need you priya ....
She took a deep breath , trying to calm herself, wiping her tears . Shruthi came forward, She looked at priya said please . close you eyes bring out that anger you felt of Rajath , anger which you felt yesterday and the anger you felt today when you came to know about the child who is being held by him. Get the anger out Priya ... You need that anger today It is Rajath’s time to face his sins.... We need anger.. priya ... not fear .
There was a change Priya posture , she stood straight , she stood suddenly taller looked straight ahead at the judge.
I lookedat shruthi... Shruthi Nodded her head saying it is okay she is okay .
Court sat down , so did we . Priya also sat down , Gripping my hand . I looked at again , face got back some colour ,there was fierce determination etched on her face. I glad the phase of fear had passed. I just held her hand hoping it never would return .
Defence had settled down, a handcuffed Kali had come in with the constables.
The Judge , ordered the court to order, said she wanted to address the court before court proceedings start.
“”” I want to make two things clear before we start the proceedings .
1. This case of sexual harassment /assulat of a lady, so let us keep things very decent , I wont allow any disrespect shown towards the victim, at no point of time the lawyers of court will cross the border of decency .
2. The lawyers will employ professional ethics at the utmost level , and maintain the decorum of the court , If in any case I see or feel there is any transgression .. i will personally see to it that the lawyer no longer practice in these corridors of law.
3. Time,I would like set precit in this case.. I want to finish of this case as fast possible within minimum mental disturbance to the victim , no point of the time will legal addressors will employ any gimmicks to drag the case beyond accepted time limit.
Is that understodd??? She looked at both set of lawyers.. to see if the recived her point . Both set lawyers got up to acknoweledge the judges statement ‘
Now Proceed !!!
Good to See y0u Mr Piyush in this court ... heard lot about you
Prosecution please put forth your case !!
Piyush stood, Thank you Madam judge!
Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity committed against a woman's will. Whether the rapist uses force or threats of force is irrelevant. Men use different kinds of force against women, from pressuring us for a goodnight kiss to withdrawing economic support from wives to using weapons. . Sexual assault is always traumatic. When we are raped, survival is our primary instinct, and we protect ourselves as best we can. Some women choose to fight back; others do not feel they can.
The reality of sexual assault and rape is heartbreaking, and the stress on the victims of these attacks, and their families and communities, are devastating and long lasting. One in fours girls, and one in six boys, will be sexually assaulted before their eighteenth birthday. A sexual assault, by definition, is any sexual or indecent action taken against another person accompanied by physical force or the threat thereof. On the other hand, a rape is defined as the act of any forced sexual intercourse against another person.Effects of a sexual assault are not only physical, but mental, and my Client here as been subject to such a assault . Here the there was clear attempt of rape .. .. We would like to appeal under India Pennal code Sec 509 of outrage of modesty , Sec 375 attempt to rape , Section 354- Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty, Section 357 Assault or criminal force in attempt wrongfully to confine a person, Section 359, Kidnapping and I]:307. Attempt to murder
This case of Sexual assault against Mr Kali .. for assulating my client Mrs Priya Ram Kapoor sexual against her will,and assaulting her physically to the extent of almost killing my client. We would provided enough evidence at this court that Mrs Priya Ram kapoor was assaulted with clear intention of rape. But the point we would like to high light here that Mr kali though present at premises was actually not the e person who assaulted Mrs Priya Ram Kapoor ,,, but it is Mr Rajath Kapur who is main accused .
For the last 4 months in the court of law we produced enough witness that to prove that Mrs Ram kapoor as been sexually assaulted . We have filed Mr Kapoor who was also witness and who was present at the Farm that day who was first to see the victim and who was one reported to the police we all also subimitted that enough material evidence , the police evidence and the medical evidence that Mrs Priya Ram Kapoor was assulated that the day at the farm . Today We have would like present the evidence of Mrs priya Ram Kapoor the victim has our final witness to prove that it was Mr Rajath Kapur who was actually assulated her not Kali. Mr Kali here as surrendered himself to save Mr Rajath. It is clear case of cover up your honour .
Judge ... looked at priya ... asked Mrs Kapor are you ready to provide the evidence today at the court . I hope you are under no duress will giving this evidence madam.
Priya got up from the seat and answered No madam , I willing to give the evidence .
Okay Please get into the witness box, and tell us what happened
The time of test of strength had started , I needed Priya to give the evidence ... I know she can ,,, but ... No No .. she will do it ..
Priya slowly walked across to the witness box.
Piyush came closer, slowly started asking about what happened from time she as picked up at Varnasi .
My Concentation was fully on how priya was giving out her evidence.. I knew she would want my support , she kept looking at me every know then for support . I never let my eyes waver from her ... Slowly she started relating her story of pain
I looked Piyush examination was getting over, he was going to handover his priya for cross examination by the defense.. This very crucial part was starting ...
The defence lawyer slowly got up,,
Thank you for relating your nightmarish experience Mrs Kapoor. I am sure you went through lot of mental stress. I really commend you strength and your bravery to stand up today and relive this. Really goodMrs Kapoor
But Mrs Kapoor I have some doubts .... can you please clarify it for me please
Mrs Kapoor your medical report after the incident , here... with me gave me the report saying that there was penetration thru any of your orifaces.. is true
Yes.. I also
• Right Right .. just asking .. So nobody actually raped you then .. because you know what Mrs Kapoor e rape is defined in terms of penetration, with the use of force, and without the person's consent. Penetration can be done...
I know sir ... It didnot happen that way
So your are saying that penetration didnot happen ? then please tell Mrs Kapoor How can this be construted as rape.
Sir I explained to you ,, How Rajath did it sir ?
Yes Madam you explained..... But there was NO RAPE madam!!!
But I priya tired in vain
Piyush intercepted .: Your Honour we have clearly submitted evidence that our victim here was assaulted and attempted rape , she was stripped of her clothing , assulated with whip all over body .. the evidence of all the abuses were clearly mentioned in Medical report ..
Defence lawayer.. YesYes Mr Piyush I am not denying it ,,, But I was just getting cleared is whether Mrs Kapoor was raped or not period. So Can I proceed ....
Okay Mrs Kapoor with respect to my next question, when you left from varnasi you said that your were repeatedly hit .. you were hit so many times you lost consiciousness.. couple time is it true..
Yes sir
So do you know How you reached the farm house ?
No sir I didn’t know where I was till Ram told me about it much later
So you had idea how you reached Farm house in Panvel from Varanasi.
No sir
This Medical report .... shows one more thing... There was High Dosage of drugs in your blood .... your blood contained very High dosage amphetamine, methamphetamine, ethylenedioxymethamphetamine, (MDMA, ecstasy), cannabis, cocaine, opiates,LSD, and -hydroxybutyate (GHB).......... in simple lay man terms DRUGS... the people who had picked you up drugged you.. Mrs Kapoor. Gave you a lethal dosage of this deadly cockatil/.... It is suprise you are still alive.. anyother person would have been dead due to drug overdose.. So Iam not surprised that you didn’t know where you were.
So I totally agree with you
But You have to agree with me also.. you also did not have any idea who assulated you .. you definitely had no idea with so much drugs pumped into you can never be sure it was Rajath. Or any body else who did that you...
No way Mrs Kapoor...’
Priya who was nodding her denying it said But I know I saw him ... Sir .. I really did
Defence lawyer No you cannot be certain
Piyush intercepted.. But Mrs Kapoor identified Mr Kapoor when he came in .. The Police saw her calling out For Mr Kapoor when they were putting her in the ambulance.. So if she recongnised Mr kapoor why would she not reccongnise Mr Rajath
Defence lawyer .. Your honour.. this can be clear case of hallucination... we can never be sure... it was a coincindence that MR Kapoor was there..... Mrs kapoor called his name.. For that matter she may have seen Mr Rajath afterall he was also there , and Infact Mrs Kapoor Hit him when he went with Mr Kapoor to the room
So it is very possible .. beccuase of the drugs in her body she was confused and she thought Mr Rajath Kapur actually hurting her... The level of drugs in her blood makes it very clear that Mrs Kapoor was not conscious enough to know her assailant
And further Mr Kapoor did not see Mr Rajath abusing her... He was merely present at place.. afterall it was his house
Piyush what about the gun found...
Defence lawyer It was Mr Rajath personal gun .. he has the licenseto it and moreover no bullets were fired.. he always carried it for personal safety ......
And Your honour there was no evidence found in the room that linked the Mr Rajath to the incident of sexually assault... So your honour I request you to please realease my client .. he just innocent bystander.. it unfortunate this happended in his house by the person who is employed by him.. That is all is Mr kapur relationship with the whole incident nothing else
My client is from a decent family who has been model husaband , son and a father .. His social status .. and family breeding are impeccable. He has a very respectable image in the society so.. madam.. It is my humble request to release him.... I fear he has been wrongly accused because of that my clients image has gone through considerable damage, his wife here has faced so many insults in the public... but today she is here because she loves her husband and belive me your honour nobody in their right mind would support a rapist not even his wife .. and belive me your honour MR Rajath Kapur is not a rapist .. but a innocent man
He just was at wrong time at a wrong place, and moreover your honour the real culprit has surrendered himself and confessed his crimes.. it is very unfair for my client Mr Rajath to be looked at as criminal.
Mr jagdish ... the defence .. do you have anything to say as defense for Mr Kali the main accused
Madam all we can plead for him is give him a Life imprisonment insteadof death, inconsideration to his age ... as he is already 65 years old .. That’s all now
Mr Jagdish do you want to continue examining the client Mrs Kapoor or can we dismiss her
Yes honour ,, I have finished my examination .. I have nothing else to add
Thank you Mrs Kapoor .. you can get back too your seat .
The prosecution do you have any more witness or examination..
Yes madam we would like to cross examine two more witness... We are waiting for confirmation from one witness the witness has not yet come your honour ..
What are saying Mr piyush.. your witness has not turned up yet ?? when is he going to turn up when the judgement comes... Oh come on Mr Piyush .. I didn’t expect this from you .. a senior experience lawyer like you...
No Madam ,, This witness’s life is in danger madam. That is why we are unable reveal the name out in the court .. I request special permission for a private audience with your honour to reveal it to you.. madam can you grant me that madam
Sure .. if the opposition has no objection I can give you ... but Mr piyush beware this witness has to be here by the end of the session there will be no extention of the date is that understood ...
I was preplexed to see what Piyush was doing ???.. what was his agenda... who is this witness.. I know who one was who is the other???
Vikram slided in close to me, and whispered that Aryan was safe now .. i looked for minute distracted as ked what ? please ram continue looking priya .... just listen to what I haveto say .. Rajath shouldn’t know.. The Dc has taken the Ranjath goons in custody and confiscated their phones. They were holding child in the Old light house in court complex.
Light house? ..
It seems there was light house built century ago to navigate ship , which was destroyed during 1st World war when german ship destroyed it . The old lighthouse of the city is housed within the High Court campus, but is unfortunately poorly maintained and is in disrepair. That is where he was held.
How is the child ? he is fine
How are we going to convey this to Nina ... she has to know?? Right ...
By the way is Nina here in the court I didn’t see her
Vik : She is here.. sitting in the last bench of the court with her the two goons, We have to let her know without Rajath or the goons sitting next to her know.
Hmm so how are we going to do it ?//
Does piyush know about it yes I have informed him , he said he will handle it
So the next witness is Nina is it ..?
Yes Ram it is Nina
Now what ?
Nothing it is all in Piyush’s hands and how he handles the rest .
Priya came back to the seat
Oh god.. my evidence .. Ram whatare we going to do..
Priya please listen !! it is not over yet .. Wait ... please trust me
But ram
Nothing Priya ... just wait ,,, the match is not over till the last ball is bowled
We have more than one ball .. so don’t worry ..Just hang on ...
I didn’t tell her about Aryan.. I felt guilty about it because she was still emotional strung any reaction from her would be easily noted by rajath .. we need the element of surprise to win this game now !!!
Court had be given 2 minutes break... Piyush was talking to the judge ,.. The defence lawyer.. said he was okay about the new witness
Piyush got back ... signalled an okay
Thank you my honour for the privilege
Now My honour I would like to examine the next witness Dr Mehra
Dr mehra.. is mr rajath kapoor’s mother’s dr .. he is not relevant to the case
Piyush countered there is a connection,, which i would like to highlight here which would put more light on the case
But your honour Mr Jagdish the defence protested
Mr Jagdish .. I am giving MR piyush a benefit of doubt .. i would entertain this witness.. if i find this irrelevant I would dismiss him , without further adue I would also penalise Mr Piyush for wasting the valuable time of the court
So Mr Piyush please continue !!!..
Dr Mehra wearing his usual white and white and gold jewellery that even put Bappi da to shame .. he looked more like a Jewellery mannequin.. He came forward to stand in witness stand. He was sitting behind , he shook Rajath’s hand before coming to the the witness stand
Sir I just wanted confirm something ... when Mrs Sheela .. was serious .. you were called to treat her what were syptoms Mr Mehra
She had uneven pulse rate , blood pressure was abnormally high
She was sweaty
Complained of chest pain
Had nausea, and she was vomiting,. She was Vomiting blood,
It was clearly case of acute myocardial infarction or Heart attack
So you were sure. Is it
Did you treat Mrs Sheela before?
No ... Sir.
So this was the first time is it ..
Did you go through her history before treating her...?
No I didn’t have the time... i had to administrate the medication to arrest the symptoms I administrated nitroglycerin. It is a potent vasodilator that makes more oxygen available to the heart muscle. Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers act to decrease the heart's workload
But it was no use .. I couldn’t save her
Oh I see.. were did you get your degree?
Mr Piyush .. what kind of question is that ... Please refrain from questioning my knowledge
Sorry Dr Mehra ...
Okay Dr Mehra .. d o you know this Mr ... Mehra sorry Dr Mehra .
· Problems with vital signs (temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure) are possible and can be life threatening. Vital sign values can be increased, decreased, or completely absent.
· Skin can be cool and sweaty, or hot and dry.
· Chest pain is possible and can be caused by heart or lung damage. Shortness of breath may occur. Breathing may get rapid, slow, deep, or shallow.
· Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are possible. Vomiting blood, are all symptoms of drug overdose also
Yes .. There are lot disease which have same symptoms Mr Piyush .. for example acidity is often misunderstood as angina sir .. It is the Dr experience .. and knowledge which help him to distinguish between the diseases
But do you know that Mrs sheela had a drug problem sir ?
Yes Mr Rajath told .. bbut he also told me she over it long back
So belived him even
Yes, I did
Do you more one more thing sir Mrs Sheela medical report showed something .... amphetamine, methamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine , (MDMA, ecstasy), cannabis, cocaine, opiates, LSD, and -hydroxybutyate (GHB) in her urine ..... which failed to report ... sir..
What ?
Sir Dr Mehra... this is small test report which we got from a clinic which tested Mrs sheela a day before she died which was totally missing .. from her medical records sir
I looked at Kali .. there was slight harding of muscles near his neck.. he was controlling himself . I mentally congratulated Piyush for goading Kali .
Yes .. isn’t so funny that this was the same deadly cocktail that was given to Mrs Ram kapoor ... .......
You tell me Mr Mehra sorry Dr mehra .... what happen to this drug abused victim if she is given this overdose.....she dies na ??//
So somebody did give Mrs Sheela this cocktail... for her to die... and you failed to recongnise as Dr or can we say asked to ignore the basic symptoms of drug overdose
Till now the cool dr was sweating ...
That all dr ... You can go now. As the dr walked by ..
Mr Jagdish .stood up . I object your lord I would like to state this report is a false report .. this report was bought in to confuse the case .. as this no way linked to this present case
How so sir Piyush asked... there is to many commonalities here .. there this drug cockatil and there is Mr rajath but no kali.... because Mr kali was not present when Mrs Sheela died he had gone to delhi on request of Mr Dinath accompanying MRs Nina and her son to poona.. The for some inugaration.. the passenger manifestation has been submitted your hnour for reference... So this time kali caanot take the blame for the death of sheela
Kali .. eyes looked at Rajath with a hatered.. Rajath was turning red with anger .. madness was sweeping in his eyes I saw that.
My honour I would like to bring in my last witness of the day... MRS NINA KAPUR
Rajath was stunned.. he didn’t except Nina would be called he went close to Nina murmured something most possibly threathing her with Aryan life.. but
Nina slowly stood up .. walked across.stood in the witness stand after taking oath
Mrs Nina, Thank you for coming in madam... I just wanted to tell you that you have nothing to fear .. you life is safe and the life of your loved is also safe ..She was stunned for minute looked up at Me .. waiting for assurance.. Priya also looked at me.. I nodded my head.
There was tears of relief running down her cheek .Can you now please share with us what you know..Piyush questioned her softly
Rajath .. hand banged the chair ... he was furiously talking to Mr Jagdish .
The Judge.. Mr Rajath please sit down ... right now.. Mr Jagdish please control your client other wise I would be ordering him to the court lock up.
Jagdish made Rajath sit down... but anger in Rajath face was clearly visible. He did sit but ... he put his hand into pocket.. I didn’t know what it was but I knew He was planning something . I stood up
Please go ahead Mrs Nina... there is nothing to fear . said the Judge
Madam .. Rajath is a monster .. he made me come here to the court because he was afraid that what I might tell someone about things I discovered about his truth ..... by threathing kill my son,,, he kidnapped his own son / his child. He is capable of anything .. .madam anything .... he
Before she could continue .. Rajath pushed his way through pointing a plastic gun.. at Nina
I expected this started running at exact ,moment rajath pointed his gun towards Nina... he pulled the tigger .. I jumped in line of the bullet ... to push Nina down .. there was a shooting pain which i felt in my arm I heard Priya scream loudly .. I fell down breaking the wooden railings of the witness box.. nina fell backward on the policeman standing behind her.
Before I got up to see Rajath aiming shoot the second shot.... this time It was at priya..... O h god.. What did I do left priya unprotected .. then I saw Priya crumbling down ....
There were more shots ... nothing registered other that priya falling down
I got Up and ran.... Priya i kept screaming ....
Vikram was already at Priya’s side.
Rage filled me .. I turned to look at Rajath He was struggling for his breath.. Kali was strangling him with is gigantic arms ... police was shooting at him ... but the bullets failed to loosen Kali’s hold..he continued to strangle Rajath.. till rajath eyes poped out his head drooped.. then kali let rajath now a dead bodyfall down by freeing his hands.. kali then stood still for sec then fell down lifelessly ...
I reached where priya had fallen ... i tired to wake her , there was blood all over her saree she wore, I couldn’t see her wound but to my relief ,, she was breathing .. I screamed for help. Vikram tired toclam me down Shruthi tired to say something .. But I couldn’t / wouldn’t listen.. I wanted the dr ... Iwanted the to save my priya.. I promised her that Rajath wouldn’t hurt.. I will always protect her .. How could do this..? I let him hurt my priya... I kept checking for her pulses .. every time I heard it I sighed the sigh of relief .. that she was alive.. I don’t know what I do if something happens to her.. the fear made me scream more help.. shruthi shouted at me .. to clam shook me ... , I was far beyond hearing .. I only wanted to hear priya’s voice ..
Police was clearing off the area press was sent out lawyers sent out , Judge escorted for safety pupose to her room. Nothing reigtered but priya lying here unconscious.
Piyush bought in the paramedica. I and Vilram accompanied priya in the ambulance... Vikram was trying to talk to me.. But I was not listening to him ,, my fear/ my guilt that let something happened to priya was not allowing me to hear a single detail he was telling me.
Wee reached the hospital , I did not know which was it , Priya was wheeled into Emergency room .. I wanted to join in but the dr’s didnot allow me to join in. The dr instead took me to another room, they wanted to treat my arm... I did not want any treatment .. i was not bothered about my treatment but priya’s.. I wanted her alive..
Vikram Shruthi and Piyush held me, from going out of this room. The said something to the dr.. The Dr with the help of wardboys held me down .. inserted something into arm.. Nothing registration but need to see priya
I mouth felt cottony, my speech slurred.. My eyes dropped,,, i wanted to stay awake.. but couldn’t I closed my eye for minute....
I got up .... I was little disoriented ... room seems to sway .. and dance.. the bright light hurt me !!,, it was so bright I couldn’t see ... Then i saw Priya !! so beautiful in white, her smile her eyes... she had left her hair open...lookinglike an angel.She told me something I coulnt understand, ... something about going !!No Dont go I wanted to say ... but couldn’t my voice wouldn’t come out she came closer tapped by hand .. now there was tears in her eyes and she was saying goodbye.. No don’t go don’t leave I wanted to say but .. she just noded her head no she said my time is up ,I have to leave now.. I will come back when you call me.. I will always be there with you she said .. very soon you will be with me .. no I wanted to scream , I wanted to hold her to me.. she cant leave me.. I need her . but suddenly I felt a prick... my eyes dropped .. I went back to sleep.. last thing knew when i went to sleep is that that i should never wake up.... But I woke up ...
I was in a room, A white room .. .. It looked like Hospital room the sun was sweeping in .. the rays hurt my eyes .. I closed it .. tears clogged my eyes .. I knew my life was over.. I lost my only chance of happiness.. it was all over... i wish I could go back to sleep and never get up !!!!.. Priya oh god !! where are you?/
Vikram came near .. Ram are you awake ?? are you okay he asked
I didn’t want to answer.. What should I say That I am alive and my priya is dead .. no I cant think of being alive .. why did god do this too me.. i could feel the the trickle of tears running down my cheek , pain .in my heart was unbearable.. there was nothing left to say.. i lost my soul!!!
Are you in pain ???? is your arm hurting
Dammit .. my heart is hurting .. he was asking about my arm.. I would give away ten arms if only I could get back my priya!!!
Priya I said my voice croacked with pain in myheart
Ram.. Please yaar she is not here .. but ..
No I screamed I want my priya
Yaar ram .. just relax yaar .. Priya will be here..
Nahi .. She is gone right ??
Yes vikram but she will
No .. She can’t come back how can she
Aare yaar what are saying priya is here .. she just ??
She just what ... ?? She gone forever now... I can never get her back. Why did i not die with her ...
Kya baak raha hai yaar ?? what the hell are you saying ?
Vikram .. I know .. just leave me .. alone .. I want to be alone in my pain just go vikram ..
Ram !!! Vikram tired once again
Nahi .. just leave..
Pagal math ban just listen to me once let me tell you something .. please yaar ?
No i don’t want listen to anybody .... just leave
I closed my eyes .. i didn’t want to see him!!!
Oh god what am I going to do with you ?? Vikram said
Then voice , said !! what happened vikram ??
That ... That was priya’s voice!!! How can that be . she was dead.. Oh god I am hearing her voice.. but why is she calling vikram.. I am the one who is calling for her
I opened my eyes..
There she was standing in a peacook blue churidhar, holding a bag , forehead was marred with lines of worry there was faint black shadow below her eyes like she didn’t sleep for many days .. she looked tired .. but she looked ravishing ... she looked beautiful.. but for me she looked beautiful even in a sack... she was alive !! My priya was alive
First realisation .. dawned.. she didn’t die.. but
What happened vikram? She asked moving towards me . she came near me sat on the chair next to the bed . She touched my hand. I could smell her fragrance ,, that so unique her
She touched my hand.. she was warm , I felt her ... no it was not a dream she was alive
I stared at her... I tired to form words .. once again words desserted me this time because of joy . I slowly took hold of her and lifted it like delicate flower... bought it to my lips and I kissed it ... Thank God she was alive
Why didn’t you tell me I pounced angrily at vikram.. why did you do this
What he asked confused
You told me priya was dead
What when did i tell you that .. vikram asked more confused
Now!! Just now when i asked about priya
Yeah .. I said she has gone and will be back.. oohh god you thought she was dead.. why would you think that
.. Priya now stepped in .. what you thought i was dead.. but you talked to me yesterday !!
When.. did i talk to you i asked
Yesterday .. you even told me not to go... but i told I cant stay in ICu I will be waiting outside .. and when you call I will be come in and meet you
But that .. i thought i was talking to the ghost!!!
What ?? ghost .. priya looked angry for a minute then started laughing
Vikram joined her
Hey why are you guys laughing .. i asked still confused
Arey yaar Vikram trying to control his laughter.. tubhi
Abbey !!! chup kar... .. but I said i saw rajath shooting at priya and priya falling. There was so much of blood
Rajath tired to shoot priya but the bullet didn’t hit her,, she fainted seeing geeting shot .. she thought you were hit by the bullet and died,,, because she feel at the right time the bullet didn’t hit.. and rajath didn’t get the second chance ... Kali killed him . Rajath died the same way he killed others poetic justice
Then the blood.. that was your blood that came trickling from your wound.. the bullet had lodged pretty deep inyour arm.. while you were trying to wake up priya it started bleeding heavily due to exherstion you lost quite a lot of blood
Then She was not hurt
No,,, I was not hurt .. she answered she held my hand tightly between her hands . I was almost awake in the ambulance itself . she continued softly her eyesfilled with love.. and infact was so relived to hear your voice calling out to me.. but couldn’t sit up because my head was spinning and I was feeling very Nauseous
But Why didn’t I see that I asked
Shruthi joined in .. that is because you panicked / you were so scared something had happened to priya .. you withdrew from us emotionally . I and vikram tired to tell you but you were so scared so shocked that you refused to listen to us.. and because of the large amout of blood loss.. you were disoriented ...
But ....??
What happened to nina and Aryan ? there are fine
Arey yaar they are all fine.. and best part is that Nina was able give the answer to the last puzzle.. she rightly guessed were the bodies of the other girls Rajath had killed hidden...
Where was it in the panvel farm? he had cemented them in the walls of the house and hung pictures.
Yaar good na, Thank go she is safe.. For a minute I thought It was all over.. When I saw Rajath picked up that gun
But how did he get the gun in ?...
Vikram answered : that was plastic gun.. which was not detected by metal detectors.. and comapartively very small. The police who had checked him had thought it was key chain.. because it had lot of keys hanging nobody knew .... . that is okay allis well that ends well
But I again started
Nothing .. Shruthi said Ram.. Priya is fine na. You are olay . please ram .. just relax!! You have being unconscious for more than 12 hrs.
Vikram then added.. yaar everybody is alright . tum tho hero bangaya yaar.. you saved everybody . Nina and priya at a time.. ek theer me duo nishan.. thu tho super bangaya hai ram !!
Kya Vikram.. !! tum he tho hassi ha rahi.. I almost died when I saw priya falling down..
Vikram .. said . But Ram .. we all told you that she is fine .. use kuch nahi hua .. tum ne mana hi nahi.. Thu tho itna aggressive hogaya ki Hum he tujhe sedative dena pada.. and moreover you were bleeding . we needed to treat you .. and as soon as Priya was okay ,... She came to you.. and talked to you.. aur tu ne use Bhoot samjha .. tho hum kya kare..
Waise bhi tu pehle pati nahi hoga .. jo apne biwi ko bhootni kehene wala..
What Priya.. asked.. Vikram ... don’t tease my husband yaar.. he has just got up !!!..
Haan haan .. okay .. Priya .. your husband. Mana ... but I cant get over the fact that he thought you were bhootni .. said that and started laughing .. Shruthi joined in
And I pouted.. okay okay.. zaada haas math.. jab teri biwi ayagee na tab dekhege, Now leave the room ... Mujhe apni . biwi ke saath akhele rehna hai.. ja haath thu and jaathe jaathe tu is shruthi ko bhi leja.. mujhe koi haadi nahi chayee chaal jha...
Accha.. ha ha ab hum haadi bangayee... chal shruthi .. hum bahar chalthe hain...
1 comment:
This time Ram didn't let anything happens to Priya he was all time beside her giving strength to her. His good friend and lawyer Piyush able to present all the proof against Rajath which will prove him as guilty. But wat a twist he shot on RaYa by aiming towards them.
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