Saturday, 10 January 2015

RaYa SS - Back In Time Part 7

Sorry For Late 

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Part 7

Lockers Room College :

"You're not coming to eat lunch with us today, Priya?"

Neha asked me.......

I close the my locker and took two Books in my hand....

we all come to Ground Area

 I was doing my best to avoid Neha, but she wasn't making it easy. She had a same weird look on her face whenever she is annoyed from things and i know my behaviour right now one of those things...

 It wasn't that I was avoiding her actualy i was avoiding Neha's stupid question....

 Whenever my sleeve rode up and I saw that scar on my wrist reminded me how much time I had left.

 I was down to 17 days now.

And to say that I had made little progressin my mission

but Ram still continued to be as rude and unpleasant as always and the permanent frown on his utterly handsome face never left. I wasn't so sure if he was always this angry or if his rather rude attitude was just bcoz I happened to be following him and forced him to be friends

and I didn't expect him to take me back to his coffee house and i ll meet her Super Mom krishna ji again and two angels

and then again same thought YAM had merely said, "Do this in 20 days or else."

  Where the hell are u priya why u avoiding me.....Neha voice broke my thoughts damn i was lost in my own thoughts......

 "Look, Neha...." I sighed...... "It's not you or anything. It's me, actually. i m so busy right now." wow wat a reason priya i said to myself

 Neha did not look convinced even she giving me a stern look.

 "And there's something that you can't share with me Priya ?" she asked and then added. "But you can share it with Ram Kapoor Right Priya?"

 I shocked at the mention of Ram.

 For some reason, my guard instantly rise up and I became protective over Ram whenever someone mentioned him. It was a weird, considering I didn't know him all that well and I had no right to feel that way, but I felt like it was my job to shield him save him.....

 That was stupid, of stupid

 "Neha, you don't even know him," I reply back. "He's not that bad ....

neha rolling her eyes. "He's about as empty as a person can get, Priya. I don't think you wanna see that. Do you have a crush on him or something going on between u two?"

My face turned to red tomato......

 "N No No-No!" I stammered,. "I do not have a crush on Ram kapoor!"

 Neha blinked. And then burst out laughing like a mad

"Oh, come on, Priya," she said  "We've known each other since birth baby, and I can tell when you're lying. You cant lie with me."

 yes this was true, but I was not lying about this. There was no way in this universe I could ever have a crush on Ram....yes he was good looking killer charm, but I wasn't so sure that many girls had fallen for his charm. That, and he didn't even talk to anyone else, either.

and yes It was a miracle he even talked to me.

if I did have feelings for Ram,so this was exactly not appropriate time for romance or anything.

 "I don't have a crush on Ram, Neha," I said "We're just friends."

Actually, I dont know . What were we?

  Neha gave me one last look and turn walked towards canteen with others...

  I sighed. Hopefully lunch with Ram was going to be amazing and awesome and full of joy and conversation.


I walked towards the canteen

 I sit on chair and place my bag to table near Ram's bag

 "wow so early you came....what nonsense u caught up there with your super stupid friends while you stood in ground ?" Ram asked, his hands clasped together in front of him.

the look on Ram's face had he not been more or less insulting me.

 "What is your problem ram tell me?" I asked while sitting on table.

Ram leaned towards  the table with his elbows and held his head in his hands. The look on his face was ridiculously adorable and my breath caught in my lungs as I stared at him. Until I remembered that he had just insulted me.

"nothing No problem," he replied, waving a hand. "I'm fine. I'm just fine."

, crossing my arms tightly over my chest i give him a steely look . He was definitely a good actor, because I had no idea what possibly going through his mind

 "Why do you keep lying about everything ram open up?"

hell how this question came from my mouth....

And apparently, Ram didn't like that question anymore than I'd liked asking it.

 look that came over his face was a dangerously calm one, but he narrowed his eyes and there was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

 "Excuse me?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

  "You heard me Ram or i ll ask same again," I muttered, taking a deep breath.

Ram made some sort of noise as he drummed his fingers on the table, pursing his lips.

 "Why do I lie?. That, I think, is just your another question that you are nver ever going to find the answer to."

"So you admit!" I blurted out ohh god i have no control on my tongue

"Uh, Priya," Ram said,sounding very emotionaly . 'What are you going on about now?"

 "You're a liar, Ram Kapoor."

 Ram leaned across the table towards me with a rather interested look on his face.

 "I'm the liar here, Priya Sharma?" he asked in a quiet voice. "You sure about that one?"


  I gave a short nod.....

And that's when Ram reached over and grabbed my left arm, shoving up sleeve so my wrist was on full display, and so was the number 17.

 "Then what the hell is this,? Why do you have this on your wrist?" he asked looking very, very angry.

 he was touching me....My thoughts were spinning in my head and I thought I was about to fall from chair his touch sent 1000 wat current in my body  I had no idea what Ram was planning on doing.

  "My birthday is in 17 days," I said, wrench back my arm out of his grasp.

 "So you decided to write it on the inside of your wrist?" Ram said, looking not convinced at all........

 "You confuse Priya," he sighed, running a hand through his wavy black hair.

"Yes, well, you are not exactly the easiest guy to read out there," I muttered,

 "I wonder why that is," he replied

"Ram, I'm trying to understand you," I said, looking down, "but you're kind of the most distracting guy I've ever met. What is with you, Ram? Do you not like talking to people? Do you not like anybody knowing anything about you Main tumhe jaanna chahti hu ram "

 Ram was gripping the edge of the table so hard. I was afraid for a second that he was going to start yelling at me but he didn't.

 "You know, you could probably announce your bday that even louder next time rather than marking on your wrist," he said before stood, and left the canteen.

 I stared after him and then feeling from before came back. I seriously thought I was going to cry now tears already come in my eyes

 What the hell was going on with this Ram Yaar?

I already knew something wrong was going on with him, but how could I help if I didn't know what it was Wo baatne ko kya Baat karne ko raji nahi hai..

Glancing down at my wrist I realized these next 17 days were beginning to feel like an eternity.

Yamraj ji main nahi jaanti aap kaha ho plz help me  "(Yam I don't know where the hell you are, but I could really use some help here!)

Home :

 I was in a very, very bad mood

 It was good thing I was home alone,

hello yamraj aap mujhe sun sakte hai ( "HELLO!" I shouted. "CAN YOU HEAR ME, Yam?" )

 "Actually, I can hear you quite fine.. I'd happy it if you stopped shouting."

My heart stop beating for seconds and I almost stopped breathing and turn around to see Yam himself sitting on my desk, a cigarette between his fingers as he lit up. It was definitely a shock

 "Oh, no," I said "You are not smoking in here."If u want u go out..

.(what the hell i just burst out i said myself)

 "Look, Priya sharma," Yam sighed, blowing out a puff of smoke. "You asked for me help now I'm here, and you're kicking me out? Why, I don't understand."

  I wanted to  grab his cigarette and snub it out in dustbin, but Yam was right. I had asked for him.

 "Ok," I sighed heavily. "I need your help."

 "I figured that much out, Priya sharma," he said taking a drag on his cigarette. "Now, what do you need help with?"

 . "You're really gonna ask that question?" really ???

Yam exhaling a bit of smoke. "Main dimag nahi pad sakta Mujhe nahi Pata tum kya baat kar rahi ho (I can't read minds.

 I have no idea what you're talking about)

 I took deep breaths before I speak.

 "How do you expect me to save Ram when he totally insult me shuts me out about everything?  I'm pretty sure he hates me." i said in one go

 Yam stared at me he took a drag on his cigarette. "Oh, believe me, Priya Sharma. Ram kapoor does not hate you."

 "How do you know?" I Asked. "You just said can't read minds."

He smirked"This isn't a my being Death thing. This is a man thing."

 "But - "

"No buts." Yam cut me off. "You either take my advice or you don't."

 "That was not advice!" I said. "That was just bullshit!"

 "If you're just going to insult me, then i ll leave .....

 Yam stood up and to walk towards the windows....

 "Ok Fine," I said. "I'm sorry. It's just that this isn't exactly the easiest thing you've asked me to do."

 Yam turned back to stare at me  "I know, Priya shrama," he finally said.

 He opened the window and chucked his cigarette out and come towards me and put his hand on my shoulder...

 "I wouldn't have asked you to do this if I thought you wouldn't be able to save Ram," He said, a very serious look on his face. "The fact that your eyes out right now tells me that you so care about him. And I know you wouldn't let Ram commit suicide."

thats enough Enough fighting with tears...they flow like rivers from my eyes... .

 "I'm scared," I blurted out. "How am I supposed to be able to do this?"

Yam sighed heavily,.

 "I can't help you there, Priya," he said dropped his hands from my shoulders.

"I'm not allowed to help "

 "But - "

I couldn't even get my words out because Yam just cut me off again with a very stern look.

 "You're not a stupid girl,Priya. Think. Really think. use your extra thinking Brain

"But I can't - "

 "Yes, you can."

After Silence of few seconds

 "Did you plan for my 20 days to be up on my 23rd birthday?" I asked him taking a deep breath.

Yam laughed.

his laughter was completely creepy

"I suppose you could think of it as a birthday present, Priya," Yam said as he turned back towards the window.

  But what if I can't save Ram? What if Ram actually commits suicide? What if - ?

he ddnt answer i screamed at Yam. "What do you mean birthday present?

Yam didn't say anything. Instead he just smirked, and then disappeared

 I just stood there and stared at the spot where only seconds before Yam had been standing.

this is not help this is more trouble .

 So all the convo conclusion is that apparently Ram didn't hate me and that I'd be able to save him. and if I failed? Ram was going to die on my birthday.

What the hell could possibly happen next?

 The final thing come in my mind before going to bed that more horrific surprises were in store for me....


Aman Anjaan

Alice in wonder land

Click Here!


Unknown said...

Nice update aman

Anonymous said...

Nice storyline

Unknown said...

Awesome update.

Anonymous said...

wonderfully going.
I have one question y yam wanted to save Ram
hope Ram will change his behavior towards Priya soon.

Unknown said...

Awsome update.

Tellyworld said...

wait ll get all answer soon thanx for commenting and Reading

Unknown said...

Wow.. its jst getting more interesting...
continue soon..

Unknown said...

awesome update
pls continue soon

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