Sunday, 11 January 2015

RaYa FF - It Happened One Night part 5

Hello Friends 

Click Here For Part 4

Here Is Part 5

Frankly …I don’t know  Ram  said He continued. Anyway  I am leaving today  to Mumbai.There is nothing to do here. But Just wanted to ask you … Can  I come meet you  in Mumbai..  Ram  while asking  was holding  his breath .

 No  She said decisively . No .
 He felt a prick  in his heart , he knew she was going to say this but still he hoped that ..  …what  she will fall at his feet for kissing her without her permission. dammit nothing  he thought .. she was  just not interested in him that is it .. there was nothing in the kiss.. she didn’t  even want it . so  nothing !! it meant  nothing to her..


 So  should I say goodbye  then Ram asked. He extended his arm  for a handshake.

Priya got up from the bed , for minute she hesitated He saw hesitating, it hurt him to see that she didn’t  trust  him. He mentally  kicked himself for his behaviour

You know what Priya I know  you don’t have great opinion about me but trust me  I am not rapist .. It is just a handshake promise I won’t do anything    Ram said wryly 
After  a minute   Priya took his extended arm,  and shook it ..  A tentative smile formed on  her lips.. She said thank you !!! and sorry  for the confusion..

 That is okay.. You  know  what Priya This is the first time I have seen you smile,  you have a beautiful smile.. you should smile lot more. Said Ram

She smiled once again at Ram’s words..

Ram saw  her eyes lit up, face take a new glow.. Why did he ever think  she was not beautiful. Dammit … She was the most beautiful woman .. her eyes were quite adorably blinking and befuddled,   her hair  softly falling  on one side  of  her shoulder , leaving  the other  side bare For him to see the span of her neck and  shoulder.  There was no lipstick , but  the lips  were rosy enough to tempt  him to taste  it again, she just  wore a jean and  pink kurthi but looked uncommonly fetching, and he wondered how he hadn't noticed that earlier .He'd never met anybody  like her who made  his blood go wild with  just a smile.  But she didn’t like him, infact she hated him.

He didn’t  know whether to cry or to laugh at the irony of the situation, the only  woman whom  he was attracted , felt anything for .. didn’t like him and couldn’t stand the sight of him.

Priya  slowly  walked upto  the door , and turned around  said goodbye !!!

As she opened the Door  to   leave , Ram wanted  her to know something .. he called her Priya.. before you go, just wanted  to tell  you ,  I am sorry for what  happened before , it was  a moment of craziness but  truth to be the told , I am  not sorry  for kissing you ..  because the kiss made me feel something good that I have never felt before in life  it felt right it was beautiful, I never regret that kiss…But I am sorry for the way it happened, I shouldn’t have done it that way..sorry  Bye  he said and closed the door.

 Priya  stood there seeing the closed door, it was as if  she  lost a part  of her heart. She didn’t  know  what to think, what  to do , she  never felt  this broken before   there was   a pain in  her heart that  she couldn’t  not explain … it was bad very bad.

2 months later…

On Sands of Chowpathy Beach, Mumbai

Priya   was walking  down the  beach , seeing waves play  tag with  sands of the beach. This had become  her favorite  pastime since  last  two month, since day  she came back from  Pune.  Something   about the dancing  waves calmed  her mind and bought  a peace to her heart.. the  crowd in the  beach made  her feel  that she was part of the world, lately loneliness was  wrecking her  peace. Silence echoed.. she felt dreadfully lonely . Since .. that kiss. Since Ram

 Her eyes kept looking at every suit clad man, hoping it was him wanting it to be him. But  when it was not , hopes crashed heart ,tears pricked her  eyes.  Somehow she felt she lost  her chance to happiness.  She  didn’t  know   what she felt for Ram .. but  one thing  she knew she missed  him  , missed him terribly . Everything reminded her of  him., red roses ,red balloons, dogs on the road…anything and everything .

  She had bought herself butha , because she felt hungry   but couldn’t make herself eat  it ,  nothing interested her not even food . Doctors were worried about her,  she kept  getting  fever every now  then, in fact  she stopped going to the Dr because she was just not bothered anymore.

   She looked at the butha  closely , decided to eat it   .She took a  bite from it  and at the same time  little boy  came from somewhere  pushed  her  .. she landed on someone , definitely a male .  She was little winded, but  most embarrassed. She  apologized  to  person without looking up … and  she tried to get up .  But the sand below her feet didn’t cooperate , she slipped once again .

It  is okay  Priya.. I got you  said the voice… the  same deep timber voice that haunted her dreams  ,  that  she heard in  every corner  of  her house.. the  same voice .. The Voice of Ram ..

Priya  choked on the  corn  which tried she to swallow  hurriedly , then coughed, sending a fine spray of  corn  through the air.

"Mr Kapoor ," she gasped, fervently praying the largest of the globs had missed  him.

"Priya." He smiled warmly. "It's good to see you."

"And you."

he said, "You look well but  you have lost weight are you okay."

No  I am fine , just being under weather lately

"And you, how are  you" she said, too preoccupied with   his  eyes and dimple she couldn’t  think anything much too  add variety to her conversation.
"That's a nice dress," he said, motioning to her green silk kurthi .

She smiled  consciously  tucking  her hair behind “ Thanks "

Ram Uncle… small voice interrupted their awkward conversation…why is this lady sitting on your lap…

Realization stuck Priya.. Oh shit !!!  she was  sitting on his lap.. Hurriedly   most ungracefully got  up from  his lap .

Sorry  she  said again  she never been more  embarrassed or more mortified in her life..

  Ram  too got up , picked the little tyke  by his  arms put  him over his shoulders.  And softly said That is  because  you pushed this aunty  on to my lap  when   you were trying to catch the ball.  I told you to be careful, but  you didn’t  listen to me. Now say sorry to aunty ..

 Little boy turned around    looked at Priya… and said  Sorry

Priya , kneeled down   to the same height of the boy  said, that is okay… but just be careful.

 Boy  picked his ball again ,   ran away to play with  the  little girl. who was calling him.

 Priya got  up  to see Ram  looking at  her peculiarly ..

She asked .. what  is it ..

Nothing  he said.

  Do you  come here often he asked

 Yes .. she answered. Almost every day.. especially in the evening  I  like  to  see the setting sun …   each day  it is different  and each day  it is  beautiful

Ram  looked  keenly ,  last rays  of the  sun streaming  through  her, the smile offering a balm to his broken heart, Her eyes dazzling  his  mind. She was only  one  who  could  make him want  to love … But  fact was she didn’t want  to love him.

 Yes .. he said without  even looking  at the sun.. today was beautiful day.. because today  he met her, after two months he saw her again today. Somehow  everything looked  more beautiful and brighter

 She asked him,   how is it that  you came here? Do you come here regularly ? but I have  never seen you .

No  I don’t ..  I came to Chowpathy  after long time Neha and Vikram   have gone  out today  it is their anniversary ,  I had actually volunteered to baby sit Rahul  and Ritzy for them today .   As they were bored  , so thought of bringing them  here… 

You know Neha  right  he asked

 Ofcourse I do remember her   I met her  in delhi.

Yes  Neha and Vikram  are my  only friends and the closest. Vikram  and I  studied  to gether  from school… now we work together.

What about family?

Yeah ..   I have them, right  now they  are travelling .

He didnt expand not  beyond that .

She was curious,  She didn’t know how to ask without sounding insensitive
Just  when she was wondering about it .The little  boy called out to  his Ram uncle to join them

Ram   smiles said no.. because  the aunty  was here and he was talking her  but the  two  kids were so adamant,   then the little girl  Ritzy   suggested that he bring  Aunty  to play with  them, 

When Priya  refused , the little girl  face crumpled..

Ram sent a  pleading  glaze towards  her requesting her join them…

Priya was not sure ..but  she couldn’t see  the  little girl’s disappointment etched on her face  also… So reluctantly  agreed…

Thus  began  a beautiful evening  of magic … they laughed, they played, they sang , they  smiled … they lived for the  time in their life for themselves .

When the time to go  home came, both of them didn’t want to say  bye, at same  time they  did not  know  what to say to prolong the evening.  Sometimes   when Adult  complicate issue, the best solution comes from a child. Here also  it happened.

Rahul and Ritzy  asked Priya join them  for Pizza treat at the KM….

Looking at  their pleading  faces.. she couldn’t say no ,, has she always been a sucker for children. That was the reason she joined school… to be with children.

 She looked at Ram…

 Ram replied .. please do  come,

But  My dress…

Ram hurriedly  said.. It is beautiful,  we are going to be at home  anyway .It just going to  be us in the  house, rest of people  at home are anyway   out. So  please do come… I will happy if you  could come, I drop   you  back in  the night  after  I drop these kids at  their Nani place.. Come Priya .. it will be fun ,

Priya … didn’t want  the day to  end , she didn’t know  what  tomorrow is going to be  but she didn’t want today to end.

They all got into the car , drove down to KM… Kapoor  Mansion…  It  was  bungalow on Peddar road in  Bandra. The high  gates and  tall compound wall  hid the  massive  building and its huge lawns. It was two storey  building  with  huge  windows.   She never knew  there  existed  a such a huge house in  Mumbai.. When she entered the gates, it looked  like they  were in  a completely different world  , it had no connection to hustle and bustle of the city outside..

This  house was built by my Great grandfather when he  became a successful businessman,  he bought  this   house from  a English officer.  Through the years we made lot of   changes and completely  modernized it but  it was all inside,  we always maintained the exterior charm as it was from early 1900 hundreds.  The inside modernization  was also  done  so that it doesn’t kill the soul  of the house. Everything  in the house was chosen to  match the sensibility of the house.. thus  keeping its soul intact.

 Priya  was awed … to say the least.  Interiors was more  impressive  , It was done so  tastefully and  beautifully .. that Priya felt  she entered altogether a different era.

Do you like to take grand tour  of the house? He asked..

The first time, he wanted to show somebody   his house.  He worked religiously for 15 years to bring it  to this stature… to return to its glory. His father left  it   has ruined rambling  house, which  was falling  by ears. When he took  over  everything, he took over this house also. It was his pride. He  never allowed anybody  to  do anything to  the house. Niharika had tried to interfere, but  Ram  didn’t  allow her. When  she knew that  Ram would not  allow, she stopped interfering , it was  but a small sacrifice to pay  to enjoy the luxuries of life.

 As each  person had they own Quarters, they  were allowed to do what they want with  it , but otherwise the house remained in Ram’s

 Children ran off to play in the garden, followed  by 2 servants to watch over them.

Ram  took  Priya   to each part of the house,  explained  each part  to her.

Priya could see  the love he had  for the house.. the  pride he took in it .

At last  they  came to  his Quarters…   comparative to the house his  quarters were stark,  there were no  pictures on the wall  no work of art  the walls were bere. except   for  the huge   queen size bed  ,few  settee and  huge Mahoney  desk  there was nothing in the room.. It was bare.

 She didn’t  understand .. asked him…

 He just shrugged .. said  he couldn’t think nothing  to  put up…

 And quickly walked  out   , asking  her to come and see  his gardens

 First time, Priya felt a pain that was behind   the façade. She saw the loneliness in his existence. But she knew he had family  but why was he alone. She didn’t  see a single photo of his  parents… yes  there were lot of photos of  his siblings and  his step mother but not one of his father or mother.

 As they  were moving towards the garden ,   an old man dressed  in white band gala suit, came forward  and said    there was somebody waiting to meet from office…

 Ram , was irritated because he  didn’t want  anything  interrupt his time with Priya.. but he also knew  if  it was not something  important  his staff would never disturb him. He excused himself ,   and said Priya .. sorry  something urgent has come up, this is  Bansi  Kakha, he is the person who runs this house for me, he would   show the rest of the house.. I will   back in another Half  an hour. Then we  can all have dinner…

 That is  okay , I will be fine don’t worry . just go finish of the work. She said

  Bansi kaka then took priya  around the rest of the house and  when the tour was over… Ram was not yet back. Bansi Kaka  made her sit in the spacious  study , as she waited for  Ram. The children were  up having their bath  . There was nothing else to do except wait. So she started   to make  small talk  with Bansi  Kaka asking him about the house. It seemed Bansi Kakha lived  in the house  for generations. His  parents before home  served the Kapoors. and He  has been working here for past 40 years.

 Priya , was curious  now she wanted to know  more about Ram. But she didn’t know how to  ask.

But   Bansi  Kakha  opened  up… Madam, I have never seen  baba   ! sorry Sir realizing his pauxpas   !! this happy , I have seen him  from  day he was born. He was  handsome child, his mother  loved  him, but  she was just not happy here.     Bade Sahib ,  loved his drinks.  He drank and drank   neglected everything  the house , the business and  his family.  Chote sahib   tried to  be  best in   everything  to make his mother happy and father take note of him.  He thought if  he was the best  somehow  things would be become normal but  every time he won anything   there was nobody to encourage him  . Every time he  got a cup he took to show his mother, but memsahib would always be crying , and sahib  always drinking.  So He kept   it on the  top of  the glass cupboard opposite to his parents room hoping his parents would see it ,  soon the glass shelf over flowed with the cups / medal he own. Still nothing changed .
 One day ,  Bade sahib  in drunken stupor  broke the glass shelf .. all  the cups scattered  all-round the  place,  one of it  cut  his leg.. in  his anger… he asked the servant  to throw all of it out . The servant  throwed it … Chote  sahib  came back from school next day  to see that  his glass shelf was gone  so were his cups. He cried , and searched  but  he couldn’t   find them, then came to know that  were thrown way in  the garbage.. he ran out  with  bag … collected it all  back from the garbage . Stored it way in the trunk. After that  he  whenever he won  he gave his prize away  , he never bought it home.

When  his mother left  him with  his father for another man, Chote sir didn’t saying anything  he understood that his mother happiness was not this house.. he let her go ,  he was just 17 years of age . He didn’t shed single tear, nor he was angry at  her. But   it  broke my heart to  see him standing all alone  in this huge house .
But later when sahib bought  in other family, I thought  they would be the family chote  sahi  never had. But that was also not to happen. Niharika Madamji  was interested only in the money the Kapoor  Industries made.. she  never bothered with  anything else.. Sir ji works  hard to  earn  the money , and they work hard spend it. Sirji never once has questioned them about their spending whenthey want  anything he provides without asking a single question.The  only person  who loves sir  is  Natasha  baby,  but  she is also studying  in the some school in London now. It  is only  when she there  you can see Sir   ji   happy, otherwise there is nothing in this house for  him except loneliness. All his life he has lived this way.. but  honestly  , you will never find  more finer gentleman  than Sir ji..

Madamji.. you  may think  I  am gossiping .. No madamji , this is the first time Sir has bought somebody  home, This is first time I have seen  him genuinely happy. I know this is becuase of you. I don’t know what your relationship with sir , it is not my place to know also.. but  Madamji  I just wanted to tell Sir ji  needs  family  his own  and  this house  need children and love.

 There were tears glistening in Bansi kaka’s  eyes.. so  were there  in Priya’s  eye also . Her heart  went out to the  little boy  ram who wanted to be loved…

  Ram Came back ,,  apologizing  profusely  for the delay .  Priya was  to  moved  what bansi kaka  told her to reply . She looked at the Ram standing before her   now  she understood that the arrogance   he  showed was just façade   inside  there was  heart waiting to be loved and  to love.. She had seen  him today with  the children , One day  he  will be  one of the best father… a  wonderful loving father… and she wanted to be  one to give that happiness to him, she wanted to be mother of his children . That is when she realized that she loved .. she  loved with  her whole heart  That  acceptance  bought with  unbridled  happiness and   along with came bundle  of   nervousness  also  because she knew not what Ram felt for her…  she knew he wanted her but love ?  that she was  not sure.

 At the   that moment , children came in announcing the pizza was ready and they were hungry… it was then decided that would have the dinner in the entertaintment room watching  a movie….

They had lot fun having pizza  seeing the movie.. half way through the movie children  slept.  Ram and Priya  carried  one child each , took them by the car to their Nani ‘s House. The children were  too tired , they  did not  getup not  even once during  the shifting .

 Then in silence , they  drove towards her  home.  The day was over, clock had struck, it was time for Cinderella  say good bye to her prince.

When her apartment came,  and car stopped,   she said her bye, and got down..   

Mr Kapoor she said … thank you for the lovely  time.. I enjoyed it .

No .. Priya  It was my pleasure , Thank you  for accepting the invitation, you needn’t have. But you  did . So  Thank you

 No Mr kapoor , I really wanted to do it ..  Thanks , Bye .. and Good night

Priya !  he called again, just one thing , can  we meet again  tomorrow? This  time it will be just us . Children will not  be there.

She  knew  what he meant , She nodded her  head,

Okay  then I can call  you tomorrow, and you  will come na ?? he asked  .. There was insecurity  tinged in his words and  a fear of rejection  in his eyes .He looked so earnest, so boyishly serious, that it was a hard battle not to throw her arms around him and attempt to  comfort him.

She said .. Yes I would be there.!!!! She smiled a smile  with  all the love  she could muster.


Priya RamKumar


Unknown said...

Lovely update.
Waiting for next one.

samyukta said...

Eagerly waiting for post it... Awesome stories

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