Thursday, 8 January 2015

RaYa FF - It Happened One Night Part 4

 Hello Friends

Click here For Part 3

Chapter 4

Then it happened finally

 Ram   came next day  morning  at sharp  9 am.  Juhi  was dressd prettily for the him . As usual, Juhi  was a vision of petite loveliness. Her black long hair was swept  atop her head, a few stray curls left to frame her face, and her form was the epitome of grace as she moved through the steps 

Ram , Priya noted with irritation, was blindingly handsome. Not that  she would  acknowledge  her thoughts .or the sanity of it . But  how  did  a """not so fit person """ looked handsome to her . He was just dressed in stark black and white minus a jacket but formals it was.. He was tall, stood straight and proud, and had thick  hair that tended to fall forward over his brow. Next to him   stood  a man   equally tall but exactly  oppositely dressed  . The  attire he wore, could have  been taken  straight  out of  Page 3  of the society magazine,  he was dressed  in skinny tight Green pants , purple jacket  with  a grey scarf  around his neck. He perfectly groomed in fact too well groomed, it looked like he spent   major of part of  his morning  in the Salon to turn out this way. The man in green trousers was around 30 definitely looked younger than Ram .

Both of them were standing outside , taking some business call, rest of them were waiting  in corridor waiting for them to finish their call.  Ram  came in  after  he finished his call said  a hello , gave his usually devasting smile to Juhi .. Priya didn’t know,  how Juhi was able to stand  steadily on her two feet after receiving  such  a smile.  He has never has smiled at her that way , only smile  if one could call it a smile   was that smirk . But why was she bothered  if he smiled at her  or not. Juhi  smiled  her graceful smile. Went down  to meet  him.

“They make a handsome couple, don‟t they?” Mamji murmured.
Priya bit her tongue. She actually bit her tongue.
“He‟s a quite tall for her, but I don‟t see that  would be problem would you?”
Priy clasped her hands together and let her nails bite into her skin. It said a great deal about the strength of her grip that she could feel them drawing a blood
Mamaji smiled. A rather sly smile, Priya thought. She gave her mamaji a suspicious look.
“He  is handsome don’t you think ” Mamaji asked.
“He is not going to marry Juhi!” Priya  burst out.
Mamajis smile slid straight into a grin. “I was wondering how long you‟d manage to hold your silence.”
“Far longer than was my natural inclination,” Priya retorted, practically biting each word.
“Yes, that much was clear.”
“Mamaji, you know he is not the sort of man we want for Juhi.”
Mamaji cocked his head slightly to the side and raised his brows. “I believe the question ought to be
whether he is the sort of man  Juhi wants for herself .”
“He‟s not that, either!” Priya replied heatedly. “Just yesterday she told me who she wanted to marry !” She jerked her head toward the dark-haired cretin   talking with her cousin  sister. “And belive  when I say  he is  not that person ?”

 “I‟ll Know ,” Priya continued  through clenched teeth, “that one ought not judge a person merely on his outer  appearance, but surely you must agree. From all that we lnow of him, he does not seem the sort to spend his afternoons  over TV serial and movie reviews

“ Perhaps not,” Mamaji mused, “but I had a lovely chat with his mother earlier this morning.”
“His mother?”Priya fought to follow the conversation. “What has that to do with anything?”
mamaji shrugged. “I find it difficult to believe that such a gracious and intelligent lady could have raised  anything but the finest of gentlemen, regardless of his reputation as cut throat  businessman”
“But Mamaji—”
I think  Priya  you should let them  decide, and you should be concentrating  at the  boy  who   according  to Ram  a perfect match for you .

 Mamiji please .. I don’t want to get married period. Not  to this  man definitely .No offense meant  he  is just too well groomed  for me, look at him mamaji  he is  dressed like a peacock . I just cant  think   of Marrying him

 Mamaji advised Priya  why are  you judging  the book by the cover, look at you .You  don’t look like you finished college itself but  in reality you are Vice Prinicipal of a School. No  Priya you should give the man a chance  before you reject him.  Just this once indulge me please, I promise I will not force if you feel  the same  even after that.

Okay , but Mamaji  who is he?

He is Ram’s business partner in Construction Business. He builds Mall , He must have heard about  him … He is Rajath Kapoor of UW constructions .. the UW malls are constructed by him
She looked at  him second time,  but again  nothing impressed her.

Suddenly , Rajath   cut his  phone which he was talking  looked at Priya  and said  SORRY , immediately  ran towards the gate  For minute  she thought  he was actually rejecting her, though it  did hurt her  ego, she was somewhat happy  that she didn’t  need to do  dirty work of breaking the rishta. If   he just ran  away  same way he came,  she would really  be happy... so would Mamiji be happy that  her predication came true.

 But  dreams are  meant to be broken, Rajath  came back  not alone  but with   huge bouquets of red roses  on   one hand and  100   helium red heart shaped balloons on his left hand.

As he was coming inside the house, there was band which playing  latest Hindi romantic numbers.

He  came close to Priya and went  down on knee, offered  the bouquet of roses first  then  let  helium  balloon fly in the air  in a dramatic fashion.. Priya was flabbergasted to say the least .

Ram   was standing in   corner of the corridor was  controlling laughter looking at Priya.

Priya  gave  him her  best drop dead  stare and with all  patience of a saint asked Rajath to stand up.

Rajath  was eagerly  waiting , for words of praise  from   Priya

Priya  didn’t have single word  to say.

She took  the bouquet  which  just  about her height  tried to walk with  it  inside the house.The inevitable  happened, she tripped on the steps to the corridor, fell  forward she would fallen on the rosesif  it not been Ram who held her by  her waist prevented her falling with  bouquet.

 When he came near  her , she could  smell his after shave, his breadth sent  shivers down the  spine.He  came  close to her ear whispered in that husky baritone of his, are you okay .. I didn’t  know  you will  fall in love so fast .. but again you  do generally fall  whenever possible. Priya  was still reeling from the proximity  of him, to really come out with stinger, Somehow  her wits  seems get mangled whenever  he came near   her..  she   did not like him, but why did  he have this kind of effect on her.

 She    stood ram rod straight , looked at  him  seriously   and then asked  do you know  what  a family  is Mr Kapoor ? do you have sister Mr Kapoor   

His eyes, which had been laughing throughout the conversation, turned dead serious without even a
blink. “Yes.”
“you will know what  it means  then ” Priya said pointedly.
“And that means?”
“It means,” she said, knowing she should hold her tongue but speaking anyway, “that I will not allow
anyone to break my Juhi ‟s heart.”

Ram remained silent for a moment, slowly turning his head to watch  Juhi  standing  in the other  coroner  looking at the balloons  flying high  “I see,” he murmured.
“ I don’t Know  what  you are up Mr Kapoor  to  One thing  let me make it  very clear Mr Kapoor  to you?”  you can do what  you can with me, but  juhi  is very innocent  she doesn’t know what  a beast you are … I will never allow her to  be hurt

One corner of his mouth curved up in a mockery of a smile. “ You don’t   have really very  good opinion of me  Priya  is it ?”
“No  you have  never given me chance  to form  an opinion  Mr Kapoor .”
You wound me, with  your hate   Priya , but  what I  don’t understand  is  why you  hate me so much ”

Please Mr Kapoor , I would like to leave, he was now blocking her with that stupid bouquet

Just  one minute waited he said keeping  that bouquet  down, then said, “You did not answer my question. Why do you hate  me?”
A rush of air slipped through Priya lips. She hadn‟t expected him to repeat the question. Or at least
she‟d hoped that he would not. “I do not hate you, ” she replied, choosing her words with great care. “I do not even  know you.”
“Knowing is rarely a prerequisite for hating,” he said softly, his eyes settling on hers with lethal
steadiness. “Come now,Priya, you don‟t seem a coward to me. Answer the question.”
Priya held silent for a full minute. It was true, she had not been predisposed to like the man. She
certainly wasn‟t about to encourage Juhi  into this relationship  . and  she also didnt believe for one second that  he was interested enough   in Juhi  to marry  her .
Mr kapoor ,  I am really  very protective of my family , if I   somebody  is trying to hurt them, I  will make it sure that  somebody  never lives to see a another day …

 “For minute   Ram didn’t  know what to say , Priya had already  left  the corridor taking  , juhi  who still watching  the red balloons flying.

Ram had to appreciate the lady for  her devotion towards  her family,hmm it was interesting to see the mouse  turning  to  lioness guarding her cub . He  found her very interesting.  What she didn’t know was  That he had come  with sole intention   telling     Mr Sahni ji about  the  breaking  this relationship. Though  Juhi was beautiful actually very sweet , and even-tempered. Very  attractive without making his blood run wild. But she was just not made for him .He doubted if there was anyone made for him. He wanted somebody who excited  him, somebody who stood  up to  him ,someone  not  afraid of him and definitely someone who is  just not  looking at the  money  he made …. Someone like priya…. For minute he didn’t know where that   thought came from .

 No  he didn’t like Priya.. he thought  she was so irritating  aggravating This was getting ridiculous. Bloody hell. She was too bossy, too opinionated, too quick to jump to conclusions. She wasn‟t even beautiful—at least not compared to quite a few of the  women  he met at  Mumbai parties  especially compared to her cousin sister.

Priya’s  face was a touch too long, her chin a hair too pointed, her eyes a shade too big. Everything about her was too something. Even her mouth, which vexed him to no end with its endless stream of insults and opinions, was too full. It was a rare event when she actually had it closed and was treating him to a moment of blessed silence, but if he happened to look at her in that split second (for surely she could not be silent for much longer than that) all he saw were her lips, full and pouty, and—provided that she kept them shut and didn‟t actually speak—eminently kissable.

Ram shuddered. The thought of kissing Priya was terrifying. In fact, the mere fact that he‟d
Even thought of it ought to be enough to have him locked up in  some pagal khana .
And yet...  Ram  collapsed against the wall. And yet he had  dreamed about her.  For  Past 3 months and Yesterday night  he  had dreamed  that he was kissing her soft honey dewed lips  marriage. Shit what was happening to him. He had actually bought Rajath  in for Priya..  He didn’t know  Rajath all that well.  Rajath actually  was vikram’s  friend’ s partner… It was  Mamaji who told that him  during  his initial talk that  they had got a rishta for his baanji   from someone called Rajath Kapoor . He was making  enquiries about Rajath   who was also into   business in Mumbai  .But when  he realized who Sahni ji’ s baanji was he  talked rajath though his contact bought him here to  actually fix the marriage …Yes intentions were not so noble  but never knew Rajath was like this.. He just encouraged /pepped  him  that over the phone  … but now .. he just  didn’t  know what he was doing  what was happening to  him …

He went in because he didn’t know what else to do  The  scene that greeted him  made  him clench  is fist   in anger. Rajath  was actually  talking  to  Priya and  making do eye at Priya …. And Priya was listening  to him  which such rapt attention    as if he was explaining  universal truth  to her      dammit !!! this was not supposed go like this.

 He had to  do something  ….
 He announced first  thing that came to his mind, can we all go  out  ?

Rajath immediately agreed with much enthusiasm, as if Ram had announced prices of cement  had gone down by  half ..

 What was with this guy? He didn’t know who  priya was before yesterday and  now he was acting as if he was she was already  his wife irritating specimen !!

 He then   looked at Juhi, as usual  she had her  graceful smile on her face. Sometimes he felt  juhi  simply didn’t understand the language he talked.

Ram suggested they  take his car, he made sure that  Rajath  occupied the front seat with him. But  the ass kept talking on and on  about   knowing  who is who  in the film industry. How close he was to  SRK and AB and How  he keeps  going to  Salman bhai’s house for id… and so on .  At  one point  Ram   wanted  stuff is mouth with  gauze.    Fortunately they reached their destination …  Mall . Ram didn’t know where else to go,  only  thing he  knew   was he couldn’t   take anymore of  Rajath’s torture.

He got   down   they  all decided  go to a café… but there again  the conversation centered around stars  how Rajath  organized film shoots in his mall. Ram  looked at  the ladies.. but they seem to find Rajath conversation entertaining .  Ram then  decided to  change  the venue…. Ask suggestion of moving to somewhere else  unfortunately for him  everybody outvoted  him  juhi was first to agree  to suggestion of Rajath  of  going to the film , and she then prodded priya  to agree also . Priya  reluctantly  agreed  for the film  thus it was decided  they would  all go  for a film in  the  same complex.

Rajath immediately called up his so called filmy friends.. to get  some premium tickets.

Juhi was dumbstruck with  Rajath ‘s  magical  filmi powers. What got Ram’s goat  was .. that priya also  looked equally impressed by Rajath’s .

 Ram couldn’t do  anything about  it  but tag along for the movie. But  he made sure that  he sat in the middle  with one side Juhi and another side Priya. But unfortunately  Rajath  choose  to sit on other side of Priya.

 The movie started,,, both Rajath and Juhi  seemed to be  engrossed in  Movie, they were so into the movie they were  explaining the intricacy   of the each dialogue and the scene..  It looked like they both had already seen the movie n number of time. But to Ram  the movie was crap… he didn’t know how got himself into such horrific  situation.

Suddenly he felt  a weight on his shoulder. It was Priya who had  put her head on  his shoulder.  For a moment he didn’t know how to react, he  called her softly  but there was no response, then  he bent down to look, she was actually sleeping. And sleeping with  her head on his shoulder. Ram didn’t know how to react , he didn’t want  her wake her up but at the same he didn’t  how priya would react  if she knew she was actually lying  her head on his shoulder.. He just hoped that  she wouldn’t create ruckus saying he took advantage of the situation. But truth to be said he liked it he liked it very much. Suddenly she put her hand on his chest murmured something … he bent down to actually hear what she was saying… she said something about  feeling cold. When he touched her hand , it felt hot,  it was very hot … it was as if she was running  a temperature.. He immediately  checked her forehead. She was indeed running  a temperature. He    lifted her , told rajath  to enjoy the movie with  Juhi .. and  he will take care of Priya. Rajath  was little too  happy to be left back with Juhi … and the movie.   Ram guided Priya out of the  Cinema hall. Took  her home.

Mamaji  profusely thanked him, for bringing Priya home. He said he  would call the  Doctor The doctor came  and  told  it looked like viral infection, asked  them to monitor the fever for three days  if it didn’t reduce he said  he will   write down some test.. but there was nothing much to worry .   Then Doctor also left  Priya was  sleeping . There was nothing much Ram could do ... so he took his leave , decided to  go  back   to  his hotel room.

 Today one thing became  very  clear to Ram, he needed to tell Sahinji  that   he couldn’t marry Juhi. With Regards to priya   Ram was still confused he didn’t like  her… but still  there was something  in her which  was pulling him towards her. He just  didn’t  know what   his feelings  were with regards to her, but one thing  he was sure  that she  made him feel alive.

But Rajath and Juhi  was another tangle  he didn’t know  how untangle without  hurting somebody in the process. When he pondering the issue between him Priya  juhi and Rajath…. He  saw something  in the park  he passed by … which  made  his heart do somersault  with relief …

He saw   Rajath kissing Juhi ,,, in one of  those park benches… to confirm it . He got down   from his car ,  went  near the  park tree  behind which they were kissing . It was them.. they  were actually declaring  their love… Nothing could have made Ram more happy than this.  He quietly left the love birds ….  For the   first time in his life he had  something to look forward to next day.

 Next day morning Ram reached  Sahniji’s house first thing in the morning… but atmosphere was little tensed.. for a minute  he feared that  something had happened to Priya..
 But mamaji quickly allayed his fears that priya was okay and sleeping, and  it was Juhi  who was the problem…
 Then Ram sighed  a sigh  of relief.. Now he knew what the problem was ..
Then mamaji  slowly  with much  embracement and lot of apologies, told that juhi was no longer interested in this rishta and she felt  that  her views didn’t match  with him

 Ram trying hard to control his happiness on successful breaking off the rishta.. Very magnanimously   refused to accept any apologies from mamaji.. and said he would be happy  be just  friends with the family  and hoped that he will always be welcomed  as son  if not  son in law on  to this house
Mamaji was also relived that the matter was  resolved so amicably . He hugged Ram   and said   if he had another daughter he would surely give her to him….....

 Ram actually wanted to see Priya.. but since she was sleeping he didn’t have much choice  other than taking   leave from them. He asked them convey  his  regards to  Priya and left the house.

 After three hours ,  his hotel  room   phone buzzed, he picked  it up , it was a call from the reception saying that  one Ms Priya Sharma would like to meet him.

For a moment  he was happy that Priya had come here to meet him  but at the same time he was little worried , because he was still confused about  his feeling for her.. Things were happening too  fast  for him to make sense of . He needed time to analyze and understand what it is that  he was feeling for her. Was  it just lust  or attraction or something  totally different .. This is an area  which he has never trans versed before  .His  feelings were still too alien for him  to understand it fully.. he  didn’t know what he was going  to say to Priya…

 But  same time.. he needed  to clarify certain things with her  first. He asked the manager  to  her guide to his room

 She came  in  , the  minute the waiter  closed the door and left  them, she pounced on him like  a tigeress on its prey ..

I told you  Mr Kapoor  that I would not allow you hurt my family , how dare you do it.. raised  thier hopes  only to crash them if you didnt want to marry why did you come  here?  why are you doing this  to Juhi..   You have problem with me , be a man   take it up with me, why are  hurting innocent people like Juhi mamaji. They had nothing to with this. I  didn’t expect  you will behave so cheaply…

One minute , One Minute .. Priya Just hold  on … Listen to me He  kept saying .. What did I do .. Just listen to me.
 No Mr kapoor you listen to me…  just stay away from my family…

  Dammit  Priya… Ram raised  his voice in anger will you please stop it .  He forced  her against the door..

Ram knew he had to be insane. There could be no other explanation. He‟d meant to  make her listen   make her understand that she was  jumping to  conclusion again and instead...
He kissed her. Intimidation had been his intention, and so he‟d moved closer and closer until she, an innocent, could only be cowed by his presence. She wouldn‟t know what it was like to have a man so near that the heat of his body seeped through her clothes, so close that she couldn‟t tell where his breath ended and hers began.She wouldn‟t recognize the first prickles of desire, nor would she understand that slow, swirling heat in  the core of her being.

And that slow, swirling heat was there. He could see it in her face.
But she, a complete innocent, would never comprehend what he could see with one look of  his eyes. All she would know was that he was looming over her, that he was stronger, more powerful, and that she had made a dreadful mistake by angering  him.

He was going to stop right there and leave her bothered and breathless. But when there was barely an
inch between them, the pull grew too strong. Her scent was too beguiling, the sound of her breath too
arousing. The prickles of desire he‟d meant to spark within her suddenly ignited withinhim, sending a warm claw of need to the very tips of his toes. And the finger he‟d   held  up to stop her from talking  was now trailing along her cheek—just to torture her, he told himself—suddenly became a hand that cupped the back of her head as his lips took  hers in an explosion of anger and desire.

She gasped against his mouth, and he took advantage of her parted lips by sliding his tongue between
them. She was stiff in his arms, but it seemed more to do with surprise than anything else, and so Ram pressed his suit further by allowing one of his hands to slide down her back and  bringer more closer to him.

“This is madness,” he whispered against her ear. But he made no move to let her go.

Her reply was an incoherent, confused moan, and her body became slightly more pliant in his arms,
allowing him to mold her even closer to his form. He knew he should stop, knew he damned well
shouldn‟t have started, but his blood was racing with need, and she felt
Sogood.  He groaned, his lips leaving hers to taste the slightly salty skin of her neck. There was something about her that suited him like no woman  woulde, as if his body had discovered something his mind utterly refused to consider. Something about her was ... right.

She felt right. She smelled right. She tasted right. And he knew that if he stripped off all of her clothes and took her there on the carpet on the floor of his study, she would fit underneath him, fit around him—just right.
It occurred to  Ram  that when she wasn‟t arguing or berating  with him, Priya might bloody well be the  best  woman  for  him in this  whole wide world.

Her arms, which had been imprisoned in his embrace, slowly edged up, until her hands were hesitantly resting on his back. And then her lips moved. It was a tiny thing, actually, a movement barely felt on the thin skin of his forehead, but she was definitely kissing him back.
A low, triumphant growl emerged from Ram‟s mouth as he moved his mouth back to hers, kissing
her fiercely, daring her to continue what she had begun. “Oh, Priya,” he moaned, nudging her back until she was plastered  against the door . “God, you taste so good.”

She planted her hands on his chest and wrenched herself away, leaving him off balance and panting. She lifted  her hand before he realised she slapped him hard

How dare you ??? Mr Kapoor ? How dare  you ???  who do you think I am ... some girl who you can kiss when  you want? Let  me make my self very clear....

 Sorry  He said ... before she could continue.. I am so sorry... I shouldnt have done it ... Im terribly  sorry..

“Don‟t say anything,” he whispered. “Whatever you do, don‟t say anything.”
“Not a word,” he interrupted,

Ram let out a curse, and not a mild one.

Priya scurried away, not all the way across the room, but over to a tall wingback chair, far enough away so that she was not in arms‟ reach. She gripped the stiff back of the chair, then darted around it, thinking that it might be a good idea to have a nice solid piece of furniture between them.
Ram  didn‟t look to be in the best of tempers.
“Why did you do that?” she said, her voice so low it was almost a whisper.
He shrugged, suddenly looking a little less angry and a little more caring. “Because I wanted to.”
Priya just gaped at him for a moment, unable to believe that he could have such a simple answer to what was, despite its simple phrasing, such a complicated question. Finally, she blurted out, “ How could  you ”
He smiled. Slowly. “But I did.”
“But you don‟t like me!”
„True,” he allowed.
“And I don‟t like you.”
“So you‟ve been telling me,” he said smoothly. “I‟ll have to take your word for it, since it wasn‟t
particularly apparent a few seconds ago.”
Priya  felt her cheeks flush with shame. She had responded to his wicked kiss, and she hated herself for it, almost as much as she hated him for initiating the intimacy.
But he didn‟t have to taunt her. That was the act of a cad. She gripped the back of the chair until her
knuckles turned white, no longer certain if she was using it as a defense against Ram or as a means
to stop herself from lunging forward to strangle him.

“I am not going to let you hurt Juhi ” she said in a very low voice.
I didn’t hurt anybody  ,” he murmured, moving slowly forward until he was just on the other side of the chair. “I didn‟t  it was she who said  that  she  didn’t want to marry me … I think she wants to marry Rajath .

Her chin lifted a notch. “ that is nonsense”
He planted his hands on the armrests and leaned forward until his face was only a few inches from hers.  “ who told you that I rejected the offer .”
Priya stopped…. Actually  nobody  had told her anything , except  mamiji  informed her in the morning  that marriage  between Ram and Juhie was off and    when she saw Juhie crying in her room she assumed that was because of  Ram ….. slowly   doubt  started setting in  what if   what he said was really  true.

Ram .. saw  she was  now confused … so  he ploughed on. Check with Juhi if you want .Just call her now

He handed her the  room phone to call her  cousin..

Priya called her…..asked juhi  It seemed Ram kapoor was right  .  Juhi  was  the one who rejected Ram  because she claimed that she loved Rajath.. she was saying sorry now to priya  about  breaking  up her rishta with  Rajath and breaking  her heart . Then  she  started rattling  off plenty of filmi dialogues of how  She priya would not  be happy  if she married Rajath, because Rajath was made for her .. they were soulmates..and  thenn  she went on  on …   but Priya just  didn’t  listen to  the rest.. she slowly placed  the phone down. And  sat down on bed shocked….

Looked up at the man  who turned her world upside down..  and asked what   now???

To Be Continued.........


Priya RamKumar


Unknown said...

Awesome update.

Unknown said...

Awsome update...😃

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