Monday, 12 January 2015

RAYA FF - Eternal Shades Of Love Part 5


 Priya's POV

 I  could  have been  again fallen  in his clutches…  How could I have been so silly  and  go to Varanasi.. Knowing he was tracking me, I shouldn’t have gone there

But when I heard from Ayesha  that  they were going to Varanasi  for fixing Karthik marriage I couldn’t resist ..  I  had not seen my family for  more than 1 year .I just wanted  have glimpse of them. 
   I  sold my watch got the ticket to see my  family.  I saw them but , when turned to go  near them I saw, 
his men.. I knew they had come here. Somehow  they knew I was going to be here . He wanted to take revenge  for  what I did to him , I never wanted him to hurt my family..  For them I was  their daughter who disgraced them. The only way  was to run ,,run  far away

Then I saw Ram ,But I never expected to see Ram there.. Oh god  .He looked  good in his white kurta . I just wanted  to stay in  his arms..  where I  felt so safe ,,, I knew he was the only one who could protect me..then I saw  the car speeding towards  us  almost killing ram ,  I pushed him away …. And fainted when he realised he was okay

What happened in the hotel room , I lost my sense,, I wanted ram , with need which started   deep and almost engulfed my senses.

I can’t   involve ram in this , What if he tried to do something to ram…

I could not bear it …  I can’t lose my  love… That is only thing left . I know I can  never be  his. I am no longer fit  to be his. But I wanted him to led a happy life. I know what RAJAT his capable of ,,  he will try to hurt ram if he knew I loved him

I never will allow it..

Years ago when I first saw ram,   I didn’t know who Ram was then , One thing I knew I loved him.  I loved him from the first time I saw him standing  with his  friends  in the bus stand .

Then I never knew what love was,, as days went by I Kept looking out for him at the same bus stand .After a year  I saw  him once again there … when     I went to shopping with papa. I couldn’t look at him because papa was there with me . 

When I got  into the auto I  saw him again. I  fell in love with him. I  knew nothing  about him but  One thing I definitely  knew , He was the man made just for me

I knew ram would come one day for me.. take me in his  arms , and say I love you     will you marry me ?    I  will always wait for him … , I knew we were soul mates ,, And  one day or  other we  will become one it just matter of time.

What  I didn’t know was  fate  could also  play evil game with me. And could tear all my dreams apart  , with one stroke .

This nightmare started year ago, in  Mauritius Rajat Kapur ,   I saw him at the beach party ,I thought he was harmless flirt  , trying  to get my attention , what I  never knew was that   Man  was a pyscho with twisted mind.

He kept  following  me around  the whole trip , I kept  turning him down…  At the hospital  when  he tried  to get  close to  me  It was the first time I realised all is not well with  him,  there was certain  madness  that reflected in his eyes, It  made me very uncomfortable, a chill ran down my spine when I saw his eyes .  I left the hospital before  he could notice ,when I saw him  distracted  talking to  Ram’s friend

At the time I knew ram ‘s name was Ram Kapoor. I never associated Ram with Ram Kapoor the business tycoon. I left Mauritius the very same day, I didn’t want to stay there with Rajat around.I knew ram would find me.

I came back to Mumbai ,, the very next day  left to Bangalore … for college for holiday was over , BMS was the college I was teaching

As I knew ,Ram came…., That   day  we spent  in Bangalore was  best day of  my life.. I still remember the kiss, The kiss convinced me ram loved me,. He wanted me  as desperately as I wanted him. I no longer needed the words  to convince me that He loved me .Ram dropped me at my flat in Jaya Nagar and went back to  his hotel. I knew   he was going to propose to me that night .I was so happy  my dreams were coming true.I didn’t want any frills , I was ready  to surrender  myself to him, I wanted  to indulge  him , it was so cute of him to think of propriety .

I went inside to change, I was changing  the doorbell rang .I thought it was Ram again  Iam immediately picked the  churidhar next to me wore it  and  rushed to open the door .He must have changed his mind I opened I saw Rajat standing there.

A chill ran  down my spine , His  was smiling , but the smile  didn’t  offer comfort but raised fear in my  heart , I wanted to flee. There was look in his eye made me want to hide myself.

I knew I could not hide nor flee. I wanted call Ram . I was scared . I tried to close the  door  but he  had  put his leg in  . I couldn’t close door

So I had no choice but to open the door, ask him to come in. If there anybody I could call Mrs Prasad Rao, next door  if he acted funny with me . I regained back my confidence.

 What do you want?  I asked, hiding my fear is shallow cloak of confidence.

He came in and closed the door . He was standing against the door effectively  blocking the door and thereby preventing from escaping

So you live here is it

Yes, Look Rajat please leave , I going  to go out ..

Yes  I saw  a man dropping, you ,  I didn’t see  his face , He must be wealthy  he drove BMW. Got  big ticket  is it? I am impressed.  You must be real good in  bed

What ? How dare you ? I asked

Get out Rajat stay away from me ,,,I will shout and bring down the neighbourhood

Suddenly he backed out  fine, fine … don’t do anything silly .. I was only joking.

 I just came here  to Bangalore  for some business,  I just dropped by to say hello

Just leave !!  now, Before I bring down the  police. Get OUT!

Okay okay I am leaving … He  stepped out of the flat.

I immediately, as soon  as he stepped out  I locked  door. My heart was still beating fast , I hands were still trembling ..  I took my phone  wanted to call Ram. I didn’t have his number .  Oh God  how could I have been so stupid and    I had forgotten  to taken down his number  nor I had given  him my number. Nor did I know the hotel he was staying in . I had no way contacting him.

 I Just have to wait  it out ,  It  was  just 15 minutes after Rajat left .

My cell rang ,  It was  Mumbai number, I  thought It was  someone from Mumbai number calling.

I picked up the phone. Person was male., he told me papa had met with accident  near Khandala he was papa partner calling 
… He had come down to  Bangalore take me back to Mumbai… Has Karthik was taking care of papa in the hospital.  He said he  was down in  road and didn’t know  which  flat, I lived in  . 

I knew  my family had gone to  Khandala for a picnic, When  I heard the news I panicked I immediately  opened the door, went to the road.  Looking for the person who called me

  I walked down the road ,,  the   roads in residential area  in Bangalore are always deserted after   7.30 pm .

Someone , Grabbed me  pulled me into a car closed the door.

 Dark voice , called from inside  “I Know your kind,  come on, you little  tease  you know what you  want, and I’m going give  it to you. It was rajat .

I had fallen into his trap. He was holding me  very tight and very close to him with one hand and with another hand  he clamped my  mouth,  I could smell  liquor, . there was slur in his speech. The car reeked of alcohol. I bit his hand  . He shouted out in pain, he slapped me so hard across the face that I fell against the window and I was no longer sure  which hurt the  most , my nose bleeding profusely all  over  or  my head , which felt as though he had crushed it .  

 Then  he rained  few more slaps , I lost my consciousness , my last  thought was Ram

When ,I got up I was middle of  some park it looked familiar to me , it was very dark . but  I knew I was  in my locality  because I could hear car horns  not many but few , Then I realised I was naked.Rajat  had tied up  my hands and my legs with  my clothes . stuffed my  mouth with my dupatta..

  He came close to me ,  he had something in his hand , it glinted in the moonlight it was a small knife.  

You  know what priya  I can kill  you right now , Nobody will even know. That your dead. Till tomorrow morning.

But I am not… I have lots of things to settle with you first  for all the insults  

One more thing I don’t touch  soiled goods   ,, I don’t like seconds  … I know  you have been with  someone today  I could smell his perfume on you . 

But …. But …I going to something do something  bad today that  no man will ever touch you again.

That is my revenge Rajat ranted on  Suddenly The phone rang .it was my phone. He had my phone…. 

It says PAPA  he said

Do you want to talk to papa he asked 

Uncle  he  answered ..I am rajat , I am priya’s boyfriend he took the phone walked away

I could  do nothing ,, I was helpless .no amount wringling  could loosen the knots in my hand.  Nor I could cover  my nakedness

 He came back. And said Nobody is going to be bothered about you . I   have told your papa that you are  going to live with me and  don’t want to talk him anymore

He came closer to me, his eye  had a look of madness to it . See I solved all your problems.

Know where was I ?.He brought the knife towards my breasts  started cutting it from the top  of my  cleavage .I screamed with pain but the cloth in my moth muffled the sound.

The knife went deep in one place, my head jerked up  with  my pain.   He fell backwards because I unintentional butted him…  his head hit  the corner of the bench he was sitting on. He howled in pain.His knife fell down from his hand near me .I picked  up with my  fingers, cut   it cloth on hands  as quickly  as possible 

 He got up, there was blood drenching his shirt ,  he charged towards me .He removed the cloth  Now there was mad rage in him  “No,” I tried to say,  from my mouth ,but his mouth was on mine, and his hands were everywhere. I  tried to struggle, but that seemed only to amuse him. “Oh, you like it rough, do you?” he said with a laugh. He pinched me then, hard, The pain awoke  me  from whatever shock-filled stupor I’d descended into, and from the center of my being, I roared, thrusting him away from myself.

“Get away from me!” I cried, but he only laughed. 

In desperation I grabbed the only weapon I could find, the pen knife, lying  opened. Waving it in the air, I warned, “Don’t come near me. I’m warning you!”

“Oh, Priya,” he said condescendingly, and he stepped forward just as I  waved wildly through the air.

“You bitch!” he cried, clutching his cheek. “You cut me.” he couldn’t believe that I  had actual cut him

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God. ” The weapon fell from my hands and I scooted back, all the way to the edge , almost as if I were trying to get away from myself.

I couldn’t believe that I had actual  hurt another human being intentionally.But maybe I had.

“I will kill you,” he hissed. Blood was seeping through his fingers, staining the crisp snowy whiteness of his shirt. “Do you hear me?” he screamed. “I will see you in hell!”

I shoved my  way past him and ran. He fell down  with force …  There was loud thud . I did not look back . I picked my tattered clothes and ran

When I came to exit  of the park , wore them  ran down the road. The park was very close to the apartment I live in. I rushed to it .. went into my apartment and locked the door . I was sure I killed Rajat.

  I wanted to flee. Blood was trickling down  my  chest  from where he had cut me . I washed my face  and the  wound on the breast  . Bandaged it . I packed my bag it was 8.45 in the night . It was not even two hours since Ram dropped me in my flat  , But in that 2 hour   my life had changed  its the course  .I was now a criminal.

I dropped a letter for Ram  at Mrs Prasad house , Called  her from   the  telephone booth nearby.

I didn’t want  to face her .. My face  was black and  blue. It would cause unnecessary. Questions. I didn’t want  to  answer. Right now. I  don’t know what to do ..I should surrender, but I wanted  meet Papa clarify  everything before I surrender. And Ram …. I know he would be hurt but he would get over me … It was after all it was just a day in his life . Thank god .. nothing much happened. I would never have forgiven myself.

I went to the main road looking for the auto… there I saw Rajath he was standing near  me.. but  he couldn’t see me  as I was behind But I could hear clearly  he was looking for me .  He was talking to someone  the phone.. No police it will cause unnecessary problems just go straight to her house and wait for her .  She will come   to Mumbai to meet her parents ..  We will catch her there. She is not  in her flat  . I am going to her the station  to  check the trains. I have somebody watching   the airport. She can’t escape from me  . I will  take my revenge !!!

 Oh god , Rajath was alive ,,, And  he was waiting for me … I Know he was rich .. I know he could do  anything to get back  at me …  .Icant endanger my  family..

Just then I saw Ram  driving down the road  towards my apartment… Oh god.. if he knew about Ram.. then Rajath will…. I cant   let this happen . I  have to flee.

That day my running started it has never stopped, For minute in Ram’s arms I thought   I could escape  but when the speeding car almost took  Ram’s life  in Varanasi  I realised .. I cant stop … I have to flee , I have to survive ,,  I can  never rest.. I have   to save my family and my ram  from this madman.


Priya RamKumar


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