Monday, 5 January 2015

Precap RaYa FF - It Happened One Night

Precap : 

And  then  it happened again   ….

He stooped down to  lift her, she weighed  not much  more than a feather ,  she smelled nice  fresh and earthy was very smoothing .and there was tinges of smell of rose somewhere mixed in it . She smelled heavenly .    

. He immediately reacted by dropping her unceremoniously on the floor…  There was big yelp of pain . He looked down  she  was rubbing  back  which she hurt  when he put her down..

 Are you mad ? she asked why did you  drop me like that




Ram   said he needed some time  to think  as  he  had  not thought about marriage  yet  because of his work and responsibilities......

will Update soon 


Unknown said...

Nice preview plz update soon.

Unknown said...

Nice precap

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