Thursday, 1 January 2015

FF - It Happened One Night Part 1

 Chapter 1

He did look handsome, he was close to 45 now. But he did look handsome. Age just accentuated his handsomeness the grey hair in his temple bought it out  .

After 10 years  she was looking at  him ,  he had gone  little fat.,  that  dimple in his chubby cheek just  got deeper , when he smiled  it  would charm any woman off her feet ,,, but he  was not smiling now   probably will never smile at her again .Now he was   just angry and irritated  at  the situation they were in  but mostly her for being  …. but  the point was  he was still handsome.

OH god !!! she thought to herself  why was she rattling same thing again  and again like a parrot .
Priya !!  she scolded herself  what is wrong   with   you   can’t fall for him  again .. That guy standing  on the middle of the highway   waving  at passing cars TO STOP .. doesn’t  like  you  , he  can’t  stand the sight of you and  he hates you  please get that into your brain .   You got over him 10 years ago ,  you fought hard with yourself  to get over him and  to be what you are  today   . He broke your  heart last  time  don’t let him in again  ..dont !!!  you can’t afford  it .  If you let him in  he  you will never be able to go through the pain  again .  He is just like a mirage in a dessert for you , there is nothing  there for real., it is  just an illusion. When  you go near and see there will be only sands …dry sand  there is  no oasis there  it just endless sea of   sand .

He never was yours and never will be . Nothing has changed you are still  the same old school teacher  Priya  Sharma  and He  the Ram Kapoor, the  business tycoon  billionaire ,   the  problems you faced  that  day   still exist NOTHING  has CHANGED  her brain  said to her heart … But  that little piece of muscle that  beat faster every time he looked at    her ,   had never listened to her brain  , it was always  on its own trip … it just  replied  !!! oh !!  and laughed  loudly  and said NO … Love  is  still there, You  love  him !! and  you will always love  him.

That little definite voice   made her want to run away from here but she couldn’t ..  even  if  she wanted  she couldn’t   this  is  time it was no longer about  her or him  but  their family ..    She had to go   through it and she  had to go through it with him. No other  way out. If  she   was going to fool  and fall for him again then  the  consequences of  it   she would have to face , the risk  of another broken  heart  she would have to take  it

 The   last car flew past  him, he shouted  out in frustration , it again didn’t stop. 
She knew now , they  were stuck here in the middle of Bandipur reserve forest  for the whole night. The forest was  thick  and dense  there was no signal . Their car which they had hired to reach  Wayanad  had long  ago given up on them, it just wouldn’t  move . Ram  had tried to  tinker with it  but  he had no clue about  what was wrong with  it . She couldn’t blame  him for not knowing to repair the car,   after all  what was the need for Mr Ram Kapoor to know the  mechanics of  a four wheeler ,but  she could blame him for hiring a car  being adamant about driving it  by himself through the jungle instead of hiring a  travels car with a driver. The  hotel’s travel manager  had tried  to warn  him  against  hiring car   and  driving by himself , but  when had Mr Kapoor   the  “””Mr Know it all  “”””  listened  to anybody . And when she had tried intervene to reason it out with him , he just  glared at her not listening to any of her reasoning or  her suggestions . She kept quiet. Then the travel manager  had no choice but to give him  the numbers of  Car hire company’s.

 He also tried to talk him out of travelling through the forest late in the evening . But Mr Kapoor once again quelled  him with  one look. When manager tired  to plead with  her  with his eyes. She just tired once again   she opened her mouth, but   before she could get one word out  , MR KNOW IT ALL was looking down  at her with  a maddening  smirk on his face. She knew he was not going to listen to her or he even wants to  know  what her opinion was .

   He just waiting for her to open her mouth with suggestion so that he can  put her down in front of the manager .. she  didn’t want to get  humiliated in front  of the staff of the hotel .So she just closed her mouth ,decided not waste her opinion  or breath  ,  and  then   smiled  an artificial smile   .
Now they were struck !!! with no car  no  phone and no way  of contacting anybody  in  the middle  of  a forest .. all because  of this  man standing in front of her  who  was   the epitome of  male  ego.

  She  called out to him   … knowing  no more cars would come this way now  , the road was now closed for traffic.

Mr Kapoor  she called .. He  turned around to  look at  her, waiting  for   a I told you so  lecture from her ..
But she said nothing walking up to him ,  she looked at him  and said   so what  are you  plans  for tonight  ? she asked .

 He answered: I don’t know..

Before He could continue, she said  oh god ! the MR RAM KAPOOR doesn’t know…  Oh my  that  is unbelievable  … no wonder it is  raining.!!.. I  hope  your  pointing at his suit said  this   expensive Armani  suit can with stand the rain …

 She didn’t  keep quiet even  when  he gave  her one of  his  scariest  looks. She continued … Okay Okay !! just  asking , because  I have  my  umbrella, I bought it just in case in that big  cargo of mine ..pointing to her suitcase by the  milestone..

She obliviously was referring to his earlier comments  which he had passed at the hotel , about her size of her suitcase when   he loaded it  in  the  car . She   had  not reply then  … but  had just said  very funny  … and then asked if she could  get into the  car … because  she couldn’t  take  any  more of  his so called jokes. 

Priya  peered at him waiting for  his reaction . she was standing close  to him now . Though  he was  good   length taller than  her , it had no effect on her  .Wind whipped her loose, dark tresses back to brush his cheek. She smelled of honey blossoms and dried roses, the scent sending another unwelcome jolt of heat into Ram, reminding him  how  much  he was  still attracted to  her .

His scowl softened for minute , and he reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. She recoiled from his touch, the gesture wounding him more , he knew  this  is how  she  would   have reacted it still hurt.  He didn’t  know what he done  to  deserve this  hatred glistening in her dark eyes. After all  it was she who  had wronged  him , she who had left him.

What a trip.” She added with .. doomed  from the word go. She said  all  because ofa stupid  male ego muttered words slipped out from between Priya’s  lips before she could stop them. His eyes narrowed  once again at  the  words.

But  she didn’t  say  sorry ,before she  could continue  the lighting struck again “Holy hell,” she whispered    as  she saw rain  which was a drizzling up till  then  was now raining cats and  dog  .  The  rain     drenched  him  and   water was   running  though  his face .. through  those soft, infinitely kissable lips, the sharp line of a blunt nose, the hint of stubble marring a perfectly square masculine jaw. This  man  had  no right to  look  this  handsome  when he was drenched wet .


He had no clue …  but suddenly  there was flash   of a car light … He looked at  it  ,,  turned  ran to the middle of the  road  with  both  his hands waving he  stood in middle of the road.  Praying  that driver would stop  the car

The car  stopped .. , it was the  forest   patrol jeep .   Ram prayed  a thanks to the God  who finally listined to  him. 

The  forest officer peeped out of the  window  and asked what are doing here ??

Ram explained the situation there were in , asked for his help.

The forest  officer said  he will drop them in the next   Forest  rest house.. which was another 15 km  from  there.   But  that is best  he could do now ,has    he was on duty, and  there was some emergency   because of  tree falling  down   because of lighting closing the road   even if he wanted   he could not drop  him  at the  next town   roads were closed because of the  trees. And they  had to spend the night  at  the  forest house..

Ram  eagerly agreed to it, this was something  better than nothing,   turned and ran over to Priya,  informed her . Thank  god  she didn’t argue   she nodded her head ., pulled  her ridiculously huge suitcase  walked towards the  jeep.

Ram  opened the , jeep back door  for to  her to loaded her suitcase. Offered his hand   for  her to hold  and get herself  up on the  back seat  next  to  her  language .

But she pointedly ignored it,   stepped on the foothold of the jeep to climb inside. The  water on foothold made her slip, the Ram caught her .The man pressed her closer to his chest . He held her like she weighed nothing at all, She swallowed hard, determined not to think about his proximity .  Nor  this man’s strong arms enclosed her in warm heat and solid comfort. His dark eyebrows slashed down over impossibly black eyes as he stared at her, something akin to wonder on his handsome features.
“Priya ,” he said.
The name resonated with familiarity and longing, sending a rush of heat to pool low in her belly. Damn. His voice was low and silky, the kind of voice made for whispering sweet nothings in a girl’s ear as his
body pressed  from behind  hers, his fingers now touching every inch of  her bare  waist

She stopped herself before she follow that line of thought . That fantasy could get her into
way more trouble than she was obviously already in. But oh, how she wished it he  had called her name with love but there will  be no love between them  it was  never was or it will never will be . Priya cleared her throat. Her tongue snaked out to wet her parchedlips, and she saw his gaze follow the movement. A blush snaked up her
cheeks. “Err… I am okay ..  it was wet  so slipped . She said  quickly pulling herself from him  and pushing herself  inside the jeep ..”

His brows furrowed. “ Oh ?he  said ” There was Just hint of mockery in his slightly accented voice, but humour  danced in those dazzling  pair eyes . Okay he  said trying to  hard not to laugh …. But you   never  could  walk  without falling he said ..

He closed the  door of the jeep , andwalkedaway tojoin the forest officer in the front seat  before she could retort .. That infuriating , irritating chauvinistica arrogant…  .how dare  he … after all  he did,  he had audacity to  talk to me like that .. But  she  didn’t let her anger to get the  better of her,  calmed herself and  waited  for an opportunity to get even !!!


Priya Ram 



Unknown said...

Nice start.... Superb

raya rashi said...

nice.. but i already read it

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